After each year, it is important to look back and reflect on the previous year and make a fresh set of projections for the year ahead. While predictions are not perfect, they help set the framework for how to be prepared for potential threats.
There’s a surging demand for smarter solutions across every aspect of business. And digital transformation promises results in the face of economic pressures and budget cuts.
Intelligent automation has become a fundamental part of driving efficiency in business. To achieve the best ROI even in an economic downturn, start by understanding the automation capabilities and identifying the benefits you need the most.
After a turbulent 2022, the technology industry is facing another busy year ahead amid a shifting M&A environment, widespread layoffs, and an increased focus on corporate governance.
Since 2022, there has been a significant increase in cyberattack attempts targeting email accounts. Taking a closer look, BPM’s Cybersecurity Assessment Partner, David Trepp, explains how attacks are launched against employees, business email systems, and their authentication mechanisms.
The new cyber risk paradigm requires organizations to become more comfortable with the reality that the connective tissue of modern business is digital.