While 2021 revealed the resiliency of the tech industry and inspired innovation amid spikes in demand, the tech landscape in 2022 will be shaped by the confluence of various factors.
More than two billion Americans are predicted to shop online for gifts over the holiday season. While scouring the web for the perfect gifts, cybersecurity needs to be at the forefront of your mind to ensure hackers and criminals don’t take advantage.
By implementing proactive controls, organizations can minimize the chance of falling victim to a ransomware attack. This guide explores these eight leading cybersecurity practices, with critical steps to take and tips to incorporate into your approach:
In today’s environment, one of the greatest threats to all businesses is the loss of intellectual property, financial resources, and reputation caused unintentionally by trusted insiders.
From the five billion records that cybercriminals exposed in 2019 to the 42% of teens across 25 countries having a problem with their parents posting about them on social media in 2020, it is clear that everyday digital behaviors are not without risk.
Protect your organization against cybersecurity. Be cyber smart and learn more about combatting ransomware in the time of COVID-19, how cybersecurity continues to be a top issue for retirement plans, and how to assess the gaps in your cyber coverage and reduce your exposure.
In this podcast, two industry experts discuss how boards’ oversight of data governance within their organizations is changing to meet the opportunities and risk in the rapidly evolving digital space in which organizations are conducting their business. The key takeaways:
Board oversight is critical in the management of cybersecurity as a whole, but especially for ransomware, since the increase in attacks year-over-year is up as much as 715% according to a study by Cyber Florida at the University of South Florida.