To ensure you are on the right track when buying and maximizing valuations when selling, it is important to minimize mistakes during the due diligence and direct investment process.
Nearly all investment professionals rely upon portfolio optimization techniques grounded in Modern Portfolio Theory to structure investment portfolios for individual investors.
The stock market abounds with colorful sayings that reflect the collective wisdom of decades of investment experience. For professional investors, these time-worn adages are reminders of sometimes-painful past market episodes and the unending challenge of getting the future right.
With President Trump often communicating policy via Twitter, investors are once again finding messaging can be costly—one mere tweet from Trump blasting the pricing of an F-35 fighter jet caused Lockheed Martin to shed $2 billion of market value within minutes.
After falling from over $100 a barrel to its low point of $26 in February 2016, prices for crude oil have now risen to about $50 a barrel. While that’s nearly a 100 percent increase, oil is still comparatively cheap.