Announcement: FOX Chicago Headquarters Moving

Date: Apr 08 2013

Family Office Exchange

On Friday, April 19, we will be moving to the eighth floor within our current building into a more modern and cost-efficient office. Our office will officially close at noon that day to accomodate the movers. The servers will go offline in the afternoon, disrupting the following services until late Saturday or early Sunday:

  • Listserv will be down. (No messages will be lost, but they will not be broadcast until after we’ve rebooted our servers.)
  • The inter tech guide will be unavailable.
  • Our fax lines will be down.

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.

Our new Chicago mailing address is:
Family Office Exchange
100 South Wacker, Suite 800
Chicago, IL 60606
All phone numbers remain the same.  We will be open in the new location on Monday, April 22.