FOX Member Dinner sponsored by FDX Capital

FOX Member Dinner sponsored by FDX Capital

Wednesday, February 27, 2013 (All day)

FOX is co-hosting a dinner discussion for members with our affiliate FDX Capital to share our insights about the growing interest in direct investing among FOX members. Please join us and contribute your experiences and insights about current investment strategies being deployed, and learn what the recent member benchmarking study has shown us about investment trends.

RSVP to John Kiener, Assistant to Sara Hamilton, by email or phone 312-327-1232


Event Details


Agenda for Member Dinner and Discussion

6:00 p.m.  Cocktail Reception
6:30 p.m.  Family Office Benchmarking Update – Sara Hamilton
6:50 p.m.  FDX Capital Update – David Vynerib
7:15 p.m.  Dinner and Group Discussion




FOX Founder and CEO Sara Hamilton will set the stage for the discussion by reviewing a new FOX governing board assessment tool to evaluate family office performance utilizing FOX Benchmarking data.  She will also identify current investment trends from our recent FOX Benchmarking Study involving over 100 family offices. Sara will share insights on asset allocation patterns by office type, and identify decision-making patterns used by each type of office (defined as business owner offices, investment offices, private equity offices, real estate offices, multi-generational offices and multi-national offices). The family’s use of an in-house or an external investment strategist will also be discussed. Families that concentrate on real estate investing and others focused on private equity investing will be profiled from the benchmarking study.  
FDX Capital partner David Vynerib will provide an update on FDX Capital and the types of deals that have attracted interest from members for direct investing. More than 90 FOX members have expressed an interest in direct investment opportunities, and many of these members are interested in the opportunity to co-invest with other like-minded family groups.  Our plans for an online platform to share high quality deals with members will be discussed at the dinner, and we will be interested in member feedback about features needed for the deal discussion site.
Dinner Discussion for Participants — We will focus our dinner discussion on understanding what types of investments are of interest to the attendees, and what changes in asset allocation are on the horizon for wealth creators. We should also have preliminary feedback from the FOX 2013 Investment Survey being conducted in February, which identifies 2012 year end performance results.

Event Registration


Non-members, please register to purchase.

Event Hosts

Miami, FL
Red Fish Grill
9610 Old Cutler Road
Coral Gables  Florida  33156
United States