Executive Council '04 Meeting - September 18 - September 20, 2023 - Denver, CO Meeting


Monday, September 18, 2023 - 6:00pm to Wednesday, September 20, 2023 - 12:00pm

To register for this council meeting, please contact Ken O'Young at koyoung@familyoffice.com


The FOX Executive Council '04 is comprised of CEOs of the largest, most sophisticated multi-generational family offices in the U.S. pursuing the best practices for complex family enterprises.  The purpose of this council is to elevate the professional and personal performance of these executives and therefore enhance the operation of the broader family enterprise and long term well-being of the family.

Each Council works from a FOX developed curriculum that is tailored to the needs of the Council. Meetings include content from the curriculum as well as specific topics and discussions requested by the Council members. FOX provides the appropriate internal and external resources for lively, fruitful meetings.

For information about joining this Council, contact us by email or call 312-327-1247.

  • Agenda



Monday, September 18, 2023

6:00 p.m.


Council Casual/Arrival Dinner

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

8:15 a.m.






9:00 a.m.


Welcome /What’s Top of Mind

Gaby Griffin, Managing Director, Council Membership, FOX

  • Agenda Review
  • Attendees will share what is currently Top of Mind for them and their office.  These issues will be discussed during the following Executive Peer Dialogue sessions.




10:00 a.m.




Executive Peer Dialogue

Facilitated by Gaby and Kent Lawson, CTO and Director of Technology Integration Services, FOX

Submitted Peer Questions, Top of Mind issues, and additional questions will be discussed amongst Council Members.




11:00 a.m.






11:15 a.m.



Executive Peer Dialogue Continued

Facilitated by Gaby and Kent




12:00 p.m.






1:00 p.m.




Executive and Family Member Succession: What Should Be Done vs. What Has Been Done

Jim Coutré, Vice President, Insights and Connects, Fidelity Investments

No one has really solved succession - which suggests that looking back at what others have done in the past might only be part of the puzzle. Rather than assuming that past practices are "best practices", we'll start by exploring the context of executive and family succession in today's reality (i.e., do our employees, family members and the world look any different than they did even five years ago?).  We'll unpack how family offices have historically approached transitions (their mindset, approach and processes), and we'll generate ideas for how we might want to change those mindsets, approaches and processes to match the reality of today.




2:00 p.m.


Succession Post Mortem and Pre Mortem

Facilitated by Jim Coutré, Fidelity Investments

We'll bring together the experiences and lessons learned from three members of our group with the ideas generated in our previous conversation.

Panel Members

  • Council Member 1
  • Council Member 2
  • Council Member 3




3:00 p.m.






3:15 p.m.



Navigating the AI Landscape:

Top Seven Critical Questions for Family Offices

Murali Nadarajah, CIO, Eton Solutions and Kent Lawson, FOX

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) increasingly permeates the financial sector, family offices find themselves at a crossroad, challenged to adapt yet unsure of where to begin. This interactive session aims to address the Top Seven AI Questions for Family Offices, offering actionable insights for leveraging the next wave of technological advancements to preserve and build wealth.




4:45 p.m.


Day 1 Wrap-Up




5:00 p.m.


Day 1 Meeting Adjourned




6:00 p.m.


Council Cocktails and Dinner

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

8:15 a.m.






9:00 a.m.


Welcome Back




9:15 a.m.


Passing the Torch with Dignity and Grace:

Navigating Aging, Cognitive Decline, and Succession Planning

Sam van Kalkeren, MSN, RN, CP, CADDCT, Director of Aging Services, O’Connor Professional Group

“Passing the Torch with Dignity and Grace,” will delve into the delicate yet crucial aspects of aging, cognitive decline, and succession planning. This thought-provoking and informative session offers valuable insights and guidance for individuals and family offices navigating the complex terrain of leadership transitions during the later stages of life.




10:15 a.m.






10:30 a.m.


Executive Peer Dialogue Continued

Facilitated by Gaby and Kent, FOX




11:45 a.m.


Wrap-Up & Preparations for Future Meetings

  • Additional questions for the group to address
  • Planning for the next meeting(s) 




12:00 p.m.


Council Meeting Adjourned




12:00 p.m.

