FOX Executive Council '14, Tampa, FL, February 2014


Wednesday, February 26, 2014 - 3:15pm to Friday, February 28, 2014 - 4:00pm

  • Agenda


Monday, February 24, 2014

7:00 p.m.

Optional Dutch Treat Dinner and Cocktails 
(Spouses, Partners & Guests  Welcome)

  • Cocktails begin at 7:00 pm

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

8:00 a.m.




8:45 a.m.




9:00 a.m.

Executive Dialogue



11:00 a.m.




11:15 a.m.

Taking Business Owners to an Enterprise View

  • As the scope of a business-owning family’s activities expand and the family grows across generations, the organic shift from a business-centric family to a family-centric enterprise or “family enterprise” begins. The family is faced with the issue of how to preserve the family wealth and well-being beyond the first generation.
  • Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t the size of the fortune that determines a family’s ability to build a successful family enterprise. Instead, family members must have a shared outlook that is characterized by a long-term view and rooted in a common sense of purpose, together with a proven set of behaviors and practices that enable success.
  • What “taking the long-term view” means
  • Explain characteristics of a successful family enterprise
  • Describe the Family Enterprise Framework and identify 24 building blocks


Share and complete an assessment tool that can be utilized to develop an action plan to strengthen the family enterprise



12:30 p.m.




1:30 p.m.

Strategic Legal Assessment for the Family Enterprise



3:30 p.m.




3:45 p.m.

 Family Office Tax and Legislation Update

  • What are the latest political and legislative developments and what do families need to be aware of? The Policy and Taxation Group completed work last year with focus groups to understand their views about wealthy families. 



4:45 p.m.




7:00 p.m.

Cocktails & Dinner


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

8:30 a.m.




9:00 a.m.

Focus for the Family Business Owner Council
Session Only for Current Council Members



9:30 a.m.

Best Practice Presentation: Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan
All attendees welcome

  • Families need a way to inventory the potential risks that can derail the goals of the family.  The FOX Risk Roadmap tool allows a family to assess both the known risks that families face and outlines the categories of potential unknown risks that could impact the future. This session will provide a lively discussion on risks associated with each Council member’s family. The goal is for you to use the tools provided to narrow down the list of risks to those most relevant for your family to review and consider.



10:30 a.m.




10:45 a.m.

Best Practice Presentation: Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan

Session continued.



11:30 a.m.

Next Steps



12:00 noon



*** Business casual attire for meeting ***