Multi-Family Office Council - March 19-20, 2019


Tuesday, March 19, 2019 - 6:00pm to Wednesday, March 20, 2019 - 4:00pm


Family Office Exchange is drawing together a group of leading Multi-Family Offices to discuss industry trends and common challenges.

Under discussion at this year's session will be “Talent, Teams, Client Experience: Strategies to Construct an Enduring Model and Satisfy Clients”

  • Agenda

MFO Council Meeting Agenda
New York, March 19-20, 2019


Tuesday, March 19, 2019



6:00 PM



Del Frisco’s Steak House NYC
1221 Sixth Avenue
New York, NY 10020
(Cellar Bar from 6-7pm for reception, Half Cellar for dinner from 7-9pm)



Wednesday, March 20, 2019

 8:00 AM   Breakfast




8:45 AM


Welcome and Introductions




9:00 AM







Evolution of Family Business Owners and the Impact on the Ultra-Wealth Business
Sara Hamilton, Founder and CEO, and David Toth, Managing Director,

Family Office Exchange

  • FOX will present their insights and learnings about four types of wealth owners, their characteristics and differences.
  • Using these client types and characteristics as a backdrop, FOX will facilitate a discussion on how these four target markets will be changing in the next decade and how that impacts the business models for wealth advisors.
  • The changes in the market will drive the changes that we need to make in our delivery of services, technology, and ultimately the talent that we hire.




10:00 AM



Re-Configuring Services Around Client Transitions
Nicole Perkins, Managing Executive, Hawthorn, PNC Family Wealth

  • Members will discuss how they are addressing the opportunities and challenges in knitting together what have become “strategic” services that families of wealth need.
  • Council members will participate in an exchange of their experiences on ways to develop and best align services as family needs change.




11:00 AM






11:15 AM





Growing and Grooming the Next Generation of Talent
Thom Melcher, Managing Director, Glenmede

  • Member will share their journey on how they rebuilt their talent model and how that is impacting their business.
  • Council members will participate in a facilitated discussion exchanging their views on the state of their talent strategies.




12:15 PM






1:30 PM


Technology as an Enabler of Service and Talent Strategies
Anja Saloranta, Partner and Chief Operating Officer, Ballentine Partners

  • Member will share how harnessing data and analytics has helped to inform and fortify their service and talent strategies.
  • Council members will exchange their evolving views on technology and the role it plays in the employee and client experiences.




2:45 PM



Break-out Sessions

  • Boutique
  • Institution Owned




4:00 PM


Formal Meeting Adjourned


FOX MFO Council Contacts:

Karen Rush (o) 312-327-1222 / (m) 847-612-1090
David Toth (o) 312-327-1275 / (m) 412-901-6880



*** Business casual attire for meeting ***