Multi-Family Office Council - May 3-4, 2022 - New York City Meeting


Wednesday, May 3, 2023 - 6:00pm to Thursday, May 4, 2023 - 4:00pm

To register for this council meeting, please contact Ken O'Young at

Meeting Venue: TBD

Agenda >

The FOX Multi-Family Office Council (MFO) is comprised of chief executives of sophisticated multi-family offices of varying sizes and structures, all dedicated to the delivery of fully integrated wealth management solutions.  This council collaboratively addresses the challenges of building profitable advisory businesses while influencing the direction of this evolving segment that serves ultra wealthy families, family offices, and families operating significant businesses.

  • Agenda


Convene New York

All times listed are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)


Wednesday, May 3, 2023

6:00 p.m.


Council Dinner




Thursday, May 4, 2023

8:15 a.m.






9:00 a.m.



Facilitated by David Toth, President of Membership & Scott Muench, Managing Director – Core Membership, FOX

  • Guest and new council members introduction
  • Agenda Review




9:15 a.m.


State of the Business

David Toth and Hilary Leav, Director, Insights and Research, FOX

Hilary and David will report on the health of the UHNW industry Including the findings from our annual advisor survey. We will share with council members the key trends, opportunities and challenges. Further, we will engage in a dialogue among the members on how these trends are impacting their business.




10:00 a.m.


Peer Dialogue – State of the Business

Facilitated by David and Scott, FOX




10:30 a.m.


Break w/snacks




10:45 a.m.


A Sustainable Approach to Advisor Development – Part I

Richard Joyner, President, Tolleson Wealth Management and
Jeff Strese, Leadership and Family Learning Consultant, FOX

Richard and Jeff will present an innovative and adaptive talent development model that has been eight years in the making. You will hear how Richard worked with his senior team and various experts to develop and implement a sustainable approach to advisor development. You will learn ways to maximize the engagement and productivity of Gen Z employees and how Tolleson implemented a coaching culture to develop younger talent. Together, they will provide you with insights and ideas about how you can enhance your advisory development strategies




11:45 a.m.




1:00 p.m.


A Sustainable Approach to Advisor Development – Part II

Jeff and David, FOX

For this session, we will continue to focus on human capital strategy. Come prepared to share ideas, concerns, and emerging practices from your organization. David Toth and Jeff Strese will co-moderate this discussion to help refine your goals to get, keep and grow your talent.




2:00 p.m.


Short Break




2:10 p.m.


Update from the FOX CEO: The Strategic Inflection Point for Family Wealth

Peter Moustakerski, CEO, FOX




2:40 p.m.


Break w/snacks




2:55 p.m.


Peer Dialogue

Facilitators: David & Scott, FOX

  • Single Family Office Market Opportunity and Complexity
  • Pricing Trends
  • Next Gen including Purpose and Impact
  • Evolution of the industry
  • Council Input on FOX including Research and Forums




3:55 p.m.


Wrap-Up & Preparations for Future Meetings

Facilitated by David & Scott, FOX

  • Any additional questions for the group to address
  • Planning for the next meeting(s)




4:00 p.m.


Meeting Adjourned