Owner/Operator Council '10 - May 2018


Wednesday, May 9, 2018 - 3:00pm to Friday, May 11, 2018 - 12:00pm


The FOX Owner/Operator '10 Council is composed of family members who directly oversee the operation of their family's financial enterprise, with or without staff, working together to share insights and strategies.  

The purpose of this council is to provide a forum for these leaders to test ideas, get peer advice, and learn from appropriate experts to improve their performance in managing the family’s wealth and preparing the family for the future.

Each Council works from a FOX developed curriculum that is tailored to the needs of the Council. Meetings include content from the curriculum as well as specific topics and discussions requested by the Council members. FOX provides the appropriate internal and external resources for lively, fruitful meetings.

  • Agenda


Host: Family Office Exchange


Chicago, IL 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

11:00 a.m.    


Cubs Game

Thursday, May 10, 2018


8:00 a.m.  




8:30 a.m.


Welcome – 2017 Accomplishments & 2018 Initiatives

Jane Flanagan, Managing Director, Family Office Exchange


9:00 a.m.


Investment Discussion

A Family Office member will launch the discussion by sharing his family’s investment philosophy and approach along with his recent experience completing a search for a new investment consultant.

This presentation will be followed by an interactive discussion among members sharing their investment plans for 2018.

11:00 a.m.



11:15 a.m.


Executive Dialogue                                                                                          

Facilitated by Mariann Mihailidis, Managing Director, Family Office Exchange

Interactive discussion.  All members will have an opportunity to share their peer dialogue questions with the group for discussion.

11:45 a.m.


Protecting Your Wealth Through An Enterprise Risk Management ApproachJim Kane, Senior Vice President of Personal Risk, USI Insurance, LLC

Enterprise Risk Management offers a robust approach to managing risk for families, developing a cost-effective, comprehensive plan taking into consideration the rapidly evolving nature of our clients’ needs.  It takes a holistic approach to identifying, defining, quantifying, analyzing and providing solutions to all the identifiable exposures facing Family Offices.  

USI’s unique approach will demonstrate the 5 Steps of Risk Management, Loss Control, Loss Mitigation and Transfer of Risk.  The understanding of risks using Case Studies will demonstrate the emerging exposures with current and future generations and how we are proactively addressing the needs of complex families.

12:30 p.m.




Working Lunch

Matters of Security: A Family Case Study

In today’s ever-connected world, security threats continue to evolve while the sources of threats remain elusive and sophisticated. In this session, a security expert will share designs on systems and processes they have successfully implemented to analyze and mitigate personal, physical, and cyber-related security threats. Throughout the conversation he will share the latest updates on the security front, top issues families should be concerned about, and the latest best-practices and security technology.           

1:30 p.m.


Executive Dialogue                                                                                          

Facilitated by Mariann Mihailidis, Managing Director, Family Office Exchange

Interactive discussion.  All members will have an opportunity to share their peer dialogue questions with the group for discussion.

2:45 p.m.



3:00 p.m.


Learning Strategies for Every Life Stage

Rebecca Meyer, Principal, Wealth Syzygy

How do you engage younger family members in the family enterprise, business or family office? What are some creative ways to ensure that family members have the skills they need at every life stage? This session outlines creative (and fun) ways to engage your family members in the family enterprise, from childhood to parenting their own children.


4:00 p.m.


Meeting Adjourned

5:15 p.m.


Council Dinner

Friday, May 11, 2018

8:30 a.m.



9:00 a.m.


Investing in Cannabis

Josh Rosen, CEO & Co-Founder, 4Front Ventures

This growing industry has been compared to the wild west, and investors are wise to approach it with caution. Josh has been working in this space since 2011, and will share his unique experience exploring strategic opportunities in the areas of cannabis cultivation, retail distribution, production, and technology.

10:15 a.m.



10:30 a.m.


Tax Reform Update

Mark Blumenthal, Partner, Plante Moran

This session will outline the latest tax developments and planning opportunities for 2018 and beyond.  Mark will comment on the impact on recent tax law changes on family offices and outline practical strategies for making the most of the current tax climate. 

11:45 a.m.


  • Key Takeaways
  • Profiles of Members who would Enrich the Council
  • Topics for the Next Meeting

12:00 p.m.


Meeting Adjourned



*** Business casual attire for meeting ***