Owner/Operator Council '16 - May 2018


Monday, May 7, 2018 - 6:30pm to Wednesday, May 9, 2018 - 12:00pm


The FOX Owner/Operator Council '16 is composed of family members who directly oversee the operation of their family's financial enterprise, with or without staff, working together to share insights and strategies.  

The purpose of this council is to provide a forum for these leaders to test ideas, get peer advice, and learn from appropriate experts to improve their performance in managing the family’s wealth and preparing the family for the future.

Each Council works from a FOX developed curriculum that is tailored to the needs of the Council. Meetings include content from the curriculum as well as specific topics and discussions requested by the Council members. FOX provides the appropriate internal and external resources for lively, fruitful meeting

  • Agenda


Chicago, IL


Monday, May 7, 2018

6:00 p.m.


Combined Optional Council Dinner / FOX Direct Investing Dinner

  • Please Register for this Dinner on the FOX Website

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

8:30 a.m.






9:00 a.m.


Welcome – 2017 Accomplishments & #1 Challenge for 2018

Facilitated by Alexandre Monnier, President  and  Jane Flanagan, Managing Director, Family Office Exchange




9:30 a.m.


Tax Reform Update

This session addresses the impact of the 2017 Tax Act on business owners and family offices and provides practical strategies for making the most of the current tax climate. We will have time for discussion, so bring your questions for the expert and the group.




10:45 a.m.






11:00 a.m.


The Art and Science of Co-Investing

Families are increasingly investing in private equity on a deal-by-deal basis. Based on his experience reviewing nearly 1,000 club deals on behalf of his family office clients, The speaker will share an interactive "HBS case study-style” presentation and walk through three ‘real life’ deals to share important lessons that can be applied to future opportunities.




12:15 p.m.






1:30 p.m.


Direct Investing Trends

Irene Mello, Director, Direct Investing Network, Family Office Exchange

Most FOX families engage in direct investing, and 120+ families belong to the FOX Direct Investing Network where they engage with peers on this topic. Irene will share some of the trends FOX is seeing in this network - from the most popular sectors and sources of deal flow to the challenges of managing direct investments - and will facilitate a discussion about the direct investing issues that are top of mind for the group.




2:45 p.m.






3:00 p.m.


Peer Dialogue

Facilitated by: Alexandre Monnier and Jane Flanagan, Family Office Exchange

Interactive discussion.  All members will have an opportunity to share their peer dialogue questions with the group for discussion. 




5:00 p.m.


Meeting Adjourned




6:00 p.m.


Council Cocktails and Dinner

  • Venue: TBD

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

8:00 a.m.






8:30 a.m.


Member Case Study: Documenting Your Family and Business History

A council member's family business was founded in 1870, and in the process of going through the historical files, the member decided to work with an editor to document his family and business history in a book. In this session, the member will share the key takeaways and lessons learned from this labor of love.




9:30 a.m.






9:45 a.m.


Philanthropy Show & Tell

Group Discussion Facilitated by Alexandre Monnier and Jane Flanagan, Family Office Exchange

Members of the group will share their family’s approach to philanthropy (e.g., foundation, donor advised funds, checks to favorite causes) and favorite initiatives.




10:45 a.m.


  • Key Takeaways
  • Profiles of Members who would Enrich the Council
  • Topics for the Next Meeting




11:00 a.m.


Meeting Adjourns 

  • Meet in hotel lobby for transportation to Wrigley Field for lunch and a 1:20 p.m. game – Chicago Cubs v. Miami Marlins


*** Business casual attire for meeting ***