Senior Management Council Meeting - San Francisco - November 2014


Wednesday, November 5, 2014 - 2:30pm to Thursday, November 6, 2014 - 6:00pm

  • Agenda


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

6:30 p.m.


Optional Dutch Treat Dinner and Cocktails (Spouses Invited)


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

8:30 a.m.






9:00 a.m.






9:10 a.m.


Executive Dialogue

(15 minute break at 10:30)




12:00 p.m.


Lunch and Tour of the Office




1:00 p.m.


Engaging our Rising Generation Family Members

  • Parents and grandparents in families of wealth are often interested in ideas about how to engage children and grandchildren in their family enterprises. Some feel that their Next Geners are not truly interested in the workings of the family office, business or foundation; others may simply not know how to have the sorts of conversations and interactions they'd like to have with their offspring to uncover their interests. We have found the "Rising Generation" family members often have significant interest in deeper-dive family discussions about the meaning of their wealth in their individual and family lives, and we'd like to share with you a couple of the tools we find helpful in opening up these discussions.




2:30 p.m.






2:45 p.m.


On Boarding Practices from

Next Generation Family Member and Council Members




3:45 p.m.


Council Working Session – Creating Best Practices for Building Family Guidelines for On Boarding the Next Generation

  • This session will involve all Council members discussing how to create successful guidelines for on boarding the next generation into the family enterprise structure based upon previous discussions this afternoon.  
  • The group will then break into three groups to work on developing guidelines for on boarding the next generation into the foundation, family board or family council.

Goal:  To create best practice guidelines for on boarding the next generation into the family enterprise structure.      




5:00 p.m.


Adjourn and Cocktails at Ascent offices




6:30 p.m.


Council Dinner


Thursday, November 6, 2014

8:30 a.m.







9:00 a.m.


Leadership Development: A Framework and Practice

  • Leadership is both a study and a practice. This Peer Council meeting will give you a framework to assess where you are at and where you want to be with your role in the family office. We will address the development of your leadership including your mindset, character and competencies.

(Break at 10:30)






11:45 a.m.


Next Steps






12:00 pm




*** Business casual attire for meeting ***