Strategic CIO Council - November 16-17, 2021 - New York City Meeting


Tuesday, November 16, 2021 - 6:00pm to Wednesday, November 17, 2021 - 4:00pm

The FOX Strategic CIO Council is a unique, professional network of successful family CIOs who gather to share knowledge, discuss experiences, and gain insights. This is a carefully selected group of family offices that use a best-in-class approach to selecting and managing investments.

The purpose of this council is to elevate the professional and personal performance of investment executives and therefore enhance investment decision-making for the benefit and sustainability of the family.


  • Agenda


Convene New York

All times listed are Eastern Standard Time (EST)


Tuesday, November 16


6:00 PM


Council Dinner



Wednesday, November 17


8:00 AM






9:00 AM



David Toth, Managing Director, and Gaby Griffin, Market Leader, Business Owners and Family Office Executives, FOX (presenting virtually)

  • Introduction of Peter Moustakerski, FOX’s New CEO




9:30 AM



The Secular Bull Market is Alive and Well

Brian Belski, Managing Director, Chief Investment Strategist, BMO Capital Markets (presenting virtually)

Brian will share his views on the health of the bull market. He will provide insights on macro trends that favor continued expansion, what might get in the way and possible long-tail risks. Council members will share their perspectives on the public markets and actions they are considering.




10:10 AM


The Secular Bull Market is Alive and Well - Session Debrief/Discussion

Facilitated by David Toth and Gaby Griffin, FOX




10:45 AM


Morning Break




11:00 AM


Albourne – Perspectives on ESG

Emlyn Palmer, Partner, Head of ESG Investing, Albourne America LLC and Julianna Scionti, ESG Associate Analyst (presenting virtually)

Albourne’s Head of ESG Investing, Emlyn Palmer, will discuss Albourne’s perspectives on ESG investing, including how they think about the space as well as the approach they take to assessing ESG risks and opportunities. The discussion will be followed by a Q&A, which will take place after lunch.




12:00 PM






1:00 PM


Perspectives on ESG - Session Debrief/Discussion

Facilitated by David Toth and Gaby Griffin, FOX




1:45 PM


China Venture Capital: An Overview of the Market
and its Evolution from an Investor’s Perspective

Ted Neild, Principal, President & Chief Investment Officer, and Sean Warrington, Principal & Portfolio Manager, Gresham Partners, LLC. (presenting virtually)

Gresham Partners has been investing in Chinese venture capital for 15 years. How have these markets performed? How have the opportunities and risks evolved? And have recent regulatory enforcements changed the outlook?




2:45 PM


Afternoon Break




3:00 PM


China Venture Capital - Debrief/Discussion

Facilitated by David Toth and Gaby Griffin, FOX




3:30 PM


Wrap-up and Preparations for Next Meeting

Facilitated by David Toth and Gaby Griffin, FOX




4:00 PM


Meeting Adjourned