2020 FOX Family Forum Agenda

Tuesday, October 27
All times listed are in U.S. Central Time

Reserved for families, single family offices, and the FOX Thought Leaders Council
10:00 am FOX Membership Update

Glen W. Johnson, COO, FOX
10:20 am Building Trust and Consensus in the Family

Jeff Strese, Adjunct Professor, Cox School of Business Executive Education, Southern Methodist University 
Mindy Kalinowski Earley, CMP, CFBA, CLO, FOX

This year’s dramatic events have shifted the tone of conversations in many families, surfacing differing philosophical views and diverse risk-taking appetites. Join the discussion on how families can build trust across divides and strengthen relationships across the family. We’ll outline consensus-building steps and give you group exercise ideas to help your family develop a pathway toward agreement on important topics. It takes some effort, but the payoff of a shared vision for the family’s future is worth it.
11:15 am Break
11:25 am Breakout Sessions

Please select one of the following sessions to learn with like-minded peers.
  Family Office Value, Cost, and Complexity Factors
Scott Winget, Market Leader, Enterprise Families, FOX
Sara Hamilton, Founder and CEO, FOX

You know your office provides tremendous value, but do you know how to explain it to your clients? Our new FOX proprietary study will help you more meaningfully articulate the office’s value by aligning it with what your family leaders value. We’ll discuss how to message around your costs and complexity factors in relation to delivering services. And we’ll share the data we’ve collected about the average time allocated to key services by office type, and how fees are typically charged by office type.
  Building a Diverse Team
Vincent Robinson, Founder, The 360 Group

Across the country, organizations are seeking to be more thoughtful about how they approach the communities they serve and take steps to embed equity into their work. We’ll share examples of trailblazing leaders who have successfully integrated a more diverse workforce, as well as pitfalls to avoid if you want more diversity, equity, and inclusion within your teams.

  The Rising Generations’ Relationship With Money
Nathan Dungan, Founder and President, Share Save Spend®

How we talk about money matters. It affects our quality of life and our wellbeing. Too often, today’s consumer culture shapes our money habits and values. This can lead to consequences such as increased stress and diminished wellbeing—regardless of net worth. Nathan will discuss how teens and young adults can think positively and proactively about their finances and their future—including bringing values into the equation when making decisions about money.

12:30 pm Tuesday Programming Concludes
1:45 pm 

Families and FOX Thought Leaders Council Meet & Greet

  • Atlanta & Southeast Region
  • Denver & Western Region
  • Chicago & Midwest Region
  • New York & Northeast Region
  • Canada, Mexico, & Other International Regions
2:45 pm  Families and FOX Thought Leaders Council Meet & Greet Concludes
3:00 pm  FOX Advisors Meet & Greet
  • Atlanta & Southeast Region
  • Denver & Western Region
  • Chicago & Midwest Region
  • New York & Northeast Region
4:00 pm  FOX Advisors Meet & Greet Concludes

Wednesday, October 28
All times listed are in U.S. Central Time

Optional FOX Advisors Meet & Greet taking place on Tuesday, October 27, from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm.
 Open to All Members
10:00 am    FOX Industry Trends

Bill Sullivan, President, FOX
10:20 am Rebuilding Economies

Ivo Daalder, President, Chicago Council on Global Affairs
John Dionne, Senior Lecturer, Harvard Business School; Senior Advisor, The Blackstone Group
Miguel López de Silanes Gómez, Market Leader, International Members, FOX
Bill Sullivan, President, FOX

What will it take to rebuild our global economies? And how will we generate the stimulus needed for growth? We’ll discuss the macro-economic factors shaping the challenges ahead – including the current geopolitical environment and major disruptions changing industry opportunities. And with the U.S. presidential election a week away, we’ll engage in a timely discussion about America’s place in the world and how its economic bedrock of stability may slip in the decade ahead.
11:20 am Break
11:30 am Breakout Sessions

Please select one of the following sessions to learn with like-minded peers.
  Building a Strategic View of the Family’s Future
Scott Peppet, President, Chai Trust Company
Glen W. Johnson, COO, FOX
Scott Winget, Market Leader, Enterprise Families, FOX

When families with a multi-generational mindset undertake strategic planning, it’s with a view that is longer than the typical three- to five-year time horizon of ordinary businesses. For some families, a 25- to 50-, or even a 100-year time horizon is where they’re looking. We’ll discuss how this helps family offices develop a resilient enterprise that can weather crises and economic turbulence, and anticipate generational shifts.

The World in 2050: Water, Food and Clean Tech
Miguel López de Silanes Gómez, Market Leader, International Members, FOX
John C. Maxwell, III, CEO, SteepRock Advisors
Manish Nayar, Managing Partner, OYA Solar
Jonathan Tunner, Director, Private Investment Opportunities, FOX

Looking for direct investment opportunities in the new economy? Here’s a hint – invest with an eye toward the year 2050. Our panel will look beyond the short-term effects of Covid-19, and instead discuss potential future top drivers of wealth creation – primarily sustainability and impact. Hear our thoughts on water, food, and “clean tech” and whether they’re the areas of massive opportunity that will transcend Covid-19.



The Taxable Investor’s Manifesto: Insights into a Quiet Revolution
Stuart Lucas, Co-Managing Partner and CIO, Wealth Strategist Partners

When designing investment strategy, most academics and some investment advisors consider taxes an afterthought. Author Stuart Lucas will show you how to extract value at the intersections of investing, estate planning, and tax – a skill set that may grow considerably more valuable after the November election. Stuart will demonstrate an approach to maximize profits from the money you earn, the investments you make, and the taxes you pay. Following his guidance, what you consider a good investment of time and dollars will change and your portfolio could grow considerably.


12:20 pm Break
1:15 pm Families, Philanthropy, and Impact
Wendy Steele, Founder and CEO, Impact100 Global Advisory Council
Nadia Roumani, Co-Founder and Senior Designer, Designing for Social Systems (DSS) Program, d.school, Stanford University
Glen W. Johnson,

Philanthropy and social impact commitments don’t just benefit the intended parties. Uncovering hidden talents and resources while building collaborative, creative learning communities committed to change pays dividends to your family or organization as well. It doesn’t matter if you build a framework of individuals creating “an unstoppable force for good” in their communities, or cultivate a new generation of philanthropic leaders passionate about making a transformational difference. This panel will discuss how giving back can pay it forward for your family or office.
2:05 pm Break
2:15 pm

Peer Dialogues: Family Members, Executives, and Advisors

This time to network will allow you to connect with other FOX members like you. Choose the peer group that best matches your situation.

Family Member Dialogues
(Open to family members)

• Gen 1 & 2
• Gen 3 & 4
• Gen 5+

Office Executive Dialogues
(Open to single family office executives)

• Small Family Offices 1-6 employees
• Medium Family Offices 7-14 employees
• Large Family Offices 15+ employees

Advisor Dialogue
(Open to all advisors)

3:00 pm Wednesday Programming Concludes
3:15 pm

Forum Sponsor Virtual Exhibit Hour 

  • Addepar
  • Sage Intacct
  • SEI
4:15 pm  Forum Sponsor Virtual Exhibit Hour Concludes

Thursday, October 29
All times listed are in U.S. Central Time

Open to All Members
10:00 am

Looking Forward, Not Backward

Sara Hamilton, Founder and CEO, FOX

10:20 am From Jedi to Yoda - Preparing for Leadership Succession

Ivan Lansberg, Co-Founder and Senior Partner, Lansberg·Gersick & Associates
Sara Hamilton, Founder and CEO, FOX
Scott Winget, Market Leader, Enterprise Families, FOX

Greater levels of uncertainty are facing families around the world. Which makes the topic of leadership success more critical to thoughtfully plan and execute against. We’ll discuss five critical themes related to succession with author Ivan Lansberg, who will share how important transitions can be smoothly managed. Don’t leave your important family transitions to chance.
11:10 am Break
11:20 am Breakout Sessions

Please select one of the following sessions to learn with like-minded peers.
  The Big Five Wealth Preservation Principles
Miguel López de Silanes Gómez, Market Leader, International Members, FOX
Maarten de Groot, VU University Amsterdam, School of Business and Economics

Want to know the secret to maintaining family togetherness over generations? A joint FOX and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam research project has identified five attributes behind family sustainability. We’ll share how more than 350 enterprise families across cultures and generations have developed the necessary principles to have lasting family impact.

Turbocharging Your Family Council
Peter Begalla, Founder and Owner, JPB Consulting Group Inc., Education and Conference Director, Family Business Magazine
Dayna Manning, Family Council Chair, Golden Rule Family

Do you have a Family Council in place but it isn’t functioning as planned? Is there a lack of family engagement? Do you just want your Council to operate more effectively? This panel discussion will cover how you can make your Family Council a positive force for good. Learn from families who were able to change the course of their Councils for the better.

  Family Office Talent and Technology Solutions
David Toth, Market Leader, Multifamily Offices, FOX
Kent Lawson, Director, Technology Integration Services, FOX

The pandemic has thrust our perceptions of the workplace into an entirely new paradigm. If they don’t already, your strategic plans for family office talent and technology will look unexpectedly different from just six months ago. We’ll discuss the options you need to consider when reshaping who and what will drive the next decade.
12:10 pm Break
1:10 pm Key Takeaways from the FOX Rising Gen Forum
Mindy Kalinowski Earley, CMP, CFBA, CLO, FOX
Heather Asher Abramson, Director, Relationship Manager, FOX

The rising generation is curious, intelligent, and preparing to step into family governance and business roles. They are your family’s future leaders. Rising Gen Network leaders Heather Asher Abramson and Mindy Kalinowski Earley will share key takeaways from FOX’s 2020 Rising Gen Forum, including the dominant questions on rising gens’ minds. Learn what rising gen want, what interests them, and how they are equipping themselves for the future – so you can better understand how to work with them, serve them, and partner with them.
2:00 pm Break
2:15 pm

Peer Dialogues: Topic Discussions

Join your peers for small group engagement and discussion on a variety of top-of-mind issues and subjects. Dialogue topics include:

  • New Frontiers in Risk Management
  • Family Dynamics
  • Investment Outlook
  • Philanthropy
  • Technology
  • Risk Management
  • Cybersecurity & Internal Controls
  • Sustainable Investing
  • Private Trust Company
  • Estate Planning


3:00 pm Day 3 Concludes