FOX Public Webcast: 2021 Cybersecurity Update - May 5, 2021


Wednesday, May 05, 2021 - 10:00am to 11:00am CDT


Please join us on Wednesday, May 5, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am CT, for a live webcast with FOX members and subject matter experts.

This annual cybersecurity update covers the leading threats you need to be aware of to keep your clients and your firm protected. 2021 cybersecurity trends and best practices will be shared.

Please note this webcast is open to the public, and all attendee names will be visible. If you wish to remain anonymous or only reveal your name during the webcast, you will have the option to rename yourself on Zoom when you join.

Please click on the Register button below to sign up for this webcast.

You may contact the Events Team with any questions at 

  • Agenda
  • Speaker(s)
10:00 am CT Webcast Begins

Presentation: 2021 Cybersecurity Update

11:00 am CT Webcast Adjourns




National Leader - Security & Privacy Risk Consulting

Ghazi currently serves as a principal in RSM’s security and privacy risk practice. He is a technical lead with more than 20 years of infrastructure security, system implementation and application security review experience. He has served as the lead director with responsibility for planning, budgeting, execution and delivery of information technology (IT) security assessments, cyber maturity evaluations, process control assessments, data privacy, business continuity, disaster recovery, IT governance, IT performance, IT risk assessment, infrastructure risk assessments, penetration testing and diagnostics.

In addition, Ghazi serves as the national leader for critical infrastructure protection security at RSM. Ghazi also has extensive experience in leading and delivering security assessments and serves as the lead engagement director on both strategic and tactical security engagements for RSM’s Central Region. Ghazi’s current focus and past clients include leading entities in the power and utility, oil and gas, and financial industries.


FOX Presenter

Tony Gebely
Chief Technology and Integration Officer 

Tony Gebely is Chief Technology and Integration officer for Family Office Exchange (FOX). In his role, he is responsible for the firm’s technology architecture. Tony also manages the FOX Technology Operations and Data Security (TODS) Network. Tony is also responsible for FOX’s cybersecurity initiatives and is constantly working towards ensuring that FOX’s systems meet the highest standards in data security. He managed the design and operation of the firm’s Drupal based membership website, our marketing automation system, our Office365 instance, our Dynamics CRM instance, and the integration between all of them. He also oversees the accounting and communication systems at FOX. 
Tony has 13 years of experience in technology and marketing. Outside of FOX, he is a leading expert on tea, has traveled extensively throughout Asia studying its cultivation, and authored the book, Tea: A User’s Guide. 
Tony received a B.S. in Computer Science from Rowan University in New Jersey.