1. Our Advisors: The Advisory Board of Wealthy & Wise Family Office is made up of leading experts each with over 40 years of experience and knowledge in diverse fields of South Korea and international finance, government, corporate management, and education. With their independent view and their life-time expertise, they are dedicated to helping the participating families and foundations with governance and risk management by serving as a member of family board, foundation board, or independent director board.
2. FOX: Family Office Exchange (FOX) is a family office association located in Chicago, IL with over 300 wealthy families and 150 wealth advisors and family offices worldwide as members. Wealthy & Wise is the only member in Asia. FOX is an objective, independent resource to help high net worth families, family office executives, and their advisors more effectively discharge their responsibilities as managers of family wealth and well-being. FOX offers an informed point of view on approaches to legacy wealth management supported by proprietary research and over 20 years of daily experience working with high net worth families.
3. Global Network: In Korea and US, we have a family office, 2 investment companies, and 18 highly qualified professionals & staff. In Baltimore and Hawaii, we provide 'Second Community' program which include real estate, education, and community networking program for families to build their 2nd community away from home.
4. Fiduciary Duty: Wealthy & Wise Family Office is an independent private family office. We do not work for any large financial institutions or a company and hence have no conflict of interest. We receive an annual fee from families only and do not sell any products or receive commissions from any other institutions. Therefore, we only work for the best interest of our families and treat our fiduciary duty very seriously.
5. Customized Services: Each family is unique and has different needs. At Wealthy & Wise Family Office, we do not sell standardized products to all the families but we customize and create unique products to fit each family's goal and agenda. Families can also pick any products available around the world in their best interest, without being confined to only certain products provided at large financial institutions.
6. Privacy: We take our family's personal information and data very seriously. We have seen many incidents at large institutions regarding personal information leakage. At Wealthy & Wise Family Office, we handle only a handful amount of families and deploy family office data system to store and manage information in a most efficient, confidential manner. With the state-of-the-art multiple cross-checking and access system, your family's privacy is safely ensured.