FOX Wealth Advisor Forum 2016 - Agenda

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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

12:00 pm

Golf Registration

1:00 pm

Pre-Forum Golf Outing at the Biltmore (Ticket Required)

4:00 pm
Speed Networking  (Optional)
Session Hosts:  Karen Rush, Director of Membership, Family Office Exchange and David Toth, Director of Advisor Research, Family Office Exchange
Attending a conference with your closest peers is a tremendous networking opportunity, so how do you make the most of it? Speed networking is a way great to quickly and efficiently get to know your fellow conference attendees. 
6:00 pm

Welcome Reception

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

7:30 am

Registration, Breakfast and Exhibits

9:00 am
What is Purposeful Innovation and What
Trends are Driving Need?
Speaker: Alexandre Monnier, President, Family
Office Exchange
Innovation is the cornerstone of enterprise today as businesses compete in their ability to provide unique service offerings and value to the clients they serve. Yet, innovation without purposeful planning, strategic dialogue and targeted implementation is costly, non-effective and disruptive. Alexandre will highlight the concept of purposeful innovation and link the strategic and tactical dialogue to the unique trends and needs that are facing wealth advisors today and will continue into the future.
10:00 am
Innovations in Financial Services: A Look
at the Future
Session Host: Amy Hart Clyne, Executive Director, Family Office Exchange
Speakers: Michael Drexler, Head of Investors
Industries, Member of the Executive
Committee World Economic Forum USA
R. Jesse McWaters, Project Manager, Disruptive
Innovation in Financial Services – Report Editor,
World Economic Forum USA
Consistent with the World Economic Forum’s mission of applying a multi-stakeholder approach to address issues of global impact, The Future of Financial Services Report completed in June 2015 provides insight into how disruptive innovations are reshaping the way financial services are structured, provisioned and consumed. Michael Drexler and Jesse McWaters will share insight into the transformative potential of new entrants and innovations on business models in financial services. As part of the dialogue, they will share findings from their extensive outreach and dialogue with the financial services community, innovation community, academia, and a large number of financial technology startups while providing an actionable list for thinking strategically and getting tactical in areas of collaborative action.
11:00 am


11:30 am
Technological Innovation in the Family
Office: Where are the Opportunities?
Session Host: Alexandre Monnier, President,
Family Office Exchange
Speakers: Frederick B. Kauber, Managing Director
& Chief Technology Officer, CAIS
Mark Rogozinski, Managing Director, SEI
Steven Draper, Senior Consultant, Family Office
Researchers have determined a link between technology innovation and economic prosperity as well as a unique relationship between the usage of internet-based technologies, different types of innovation, and performance at the firm level. As internet-based technologies continue to be an enabler of innovation, it is critical that families, family offices, and the advisory firms serving them stay abreast of the types and caliber of technological innovation that is available. Steven Draper, who moderates the FOX Technology Operations & Data Security Network (TODS), will lead an interactive dialogue on current and future technological innovations and how you can purposefully integrate these innovations into your operations and strategies. Steven will be joined by Frederick B. Kauber and Mark Rogozinski.
12:30 pm

Lunch and Exhibits

2:00 pm
Evaluating Ideas: Peer Dialogue
In a thematic look at innovation, participants will have the opportunity to engage in small-group conversations about what purposeful innovation is inherent in today’s wealth advisory community and what purposeful innovation needs to occur. 

3:00 pm


3:30 pm

Breakout Sessions


Breakout 1 - Culture

Aligning Culture: Making Culture Personal
Session Host: Amy Hart Clyne, Executive Director, Knowledge
Center, Family Office Exchange
Speakers: Tim Kuppler, Director of Culture & Organization
Development, Human Synergistics and Founder,
As research continues to validate the need for cultural alignment within families as well as between families and the advisors who serve them, there is continued need for effective assessments that measure culture and clear approaches to manage sustainable change. Tim Kuppler will guide participants through The Organizational Culture Inventory® (OCI®) and the Organizational Effectiveness Inventory® (OEI®), which were developed in response to demands for a reliable and valid measure of organizational culture, the internal factors that shape and reinforce culture, and the outcomes that result from culture. 
These tools enable leaders and advisors to analyze the current state of their organization, envision and communicate the desired state, and identify the most important “levers” for moving the family or organization in the desired direction. Tim will address how to: achieve consensus and buy-in on the ideal culture, promote an understanding of how the current culture is impacting effectiveness, act when there are gaps between the current and ideal culture, initiate steps to motivate change, and adjust levers (e.g., systems, structures, skills) for redirecting the culture and enhancing effectiveness. 

Breakout 2 - Direct Investments

Private Equity: Business Models and Key Considerations
Speaker: Sara Hamilton, CEO and Founder, Family Office Exchange

A growing number of enterprising families in the US are showing an increased interest in participating in direct investments of all sizes.  A segment of this interest is sparked by entrepreneurial family values, and the disappointing correlations between asset classes that occurred during the 2008-2010 timeframe. 

Utilizing research conducted by FOX for the past 5 years on the growing interest in direct private equity, Sara Hamilton will guide participants on the eight typical models families use, and the 15 key considerations that families need to discuss together.  She will highlight results of in-depth interviews with 160 family offices and/or wealth owners who focus on this asset class and share examples where relevant.

Participants will be provided with a whitepaper that outlines the models and key considerations that lead families to choose one PE model over another and the important characteristics of: Philosophical Framework, Asset Allocation and Diversification Strategies, Governance Principles and Decision Making Authority, and Principles of Partnerships.


Breakout 3 - Technology

Preparing for Innovation: Harnessing the Data Explosion
Session Host: Alexandre Monnier, President, Family Office
Speakers: Matthieu Rauscher, Vice President, Yseop; Robert E. Mallernee, CEO, Eton Advisors
Steve Draper, Senior Consultant for Family Office Exchange and
moderator of the FOX Technology Operations & Data Security
Network (TODS)

The growth in data is a function of multiple technological advancements in and around financial services.

The adoption of cloud, mobile technologies and apps, wearable devices, intelligent/smart networks and systems, Internet penetration and usage, are some of the major factors for growth in overall data. To put this into perspective, IDC estimated that the digital universe is doubling its size yearly and would reach 44 ZB in 2020 from 4.4 ZB of data generated in 2013. It also forecasted that the big data technology and services market will grow at a 26.4% compound annual growth rate to $41.5 billion through 2018, or about six times the growth rate of the overall information technology market.

The ability to draw insights and the ability to use data to provide context and personalization to clients would deepen any online interactions and give advisers the ability to differentiate themselves in the market.


Breakout 4 - Impact Investing

Targeting Efforts: Making Impact Happen
Session Host: Ruth Easterling, Managing Director, Member
Services, Family Office Exchange
Speakers: Gretchen Postula, Head of Investor Relations, North Sky

Much has been documented about the transformation that is occurring around making money while also making a difference. Impact Investing, which was once was a nice idea is now becoming a mandate as approximately $30 trillion of wealth is projected to be inherited by the Millennial and Gen X Generations. These generations of inheritors expect engagement in impact. As chronicled by Deloitte, 5,000 Millennials in 18 countries ranked “to improve society” as their number one priority above “making a profit.” The question of SHOULD we become involved in social and impact investing has now been replaced with, “HOW do we get involved?” BUT…family members and investors are continually asking the operant question…”How do you innovate impact investing into financial strategy?” Please join Gretchen and Ruth for an informal conversation on making impact investment part of your and your client’s investment strategy by aligning products with values.

5:00 pm


6:00 pm

Reception and Dinner

Thursday, May 5, 2016

8:00 am

Registration, Breakfast and Exhibits

9:00 am
Welcome and Logistics
Speaker: Alexandre Monnier, President, Family
Office Exchange
9:15 am
Innovating the Client Experience: So, You
Want to Deliver Consistently Outstanding
Customer Experiences
Session Host: Session Host: Amy Hart Clyne,
Executive Director, Family Office Exchange
Speaker: Joseph Michelli, Ph.D., C.S.P.
You are not alone in wanting to deliver outstanding client experiences. According to Forrester Research, client experience elevation is on the strategic priority list of 92% of businesses; 23% of those small, medium and large companies have client experience as their #1 priority. Despite that prioritization, consumer satisfaction research suggests client engagement is at a 9-year low. Dr. Michelli will walk you through how to innovate the client experience by drawing comparisons between companies that “aspire to” and those like Mercedes-Benz USA that “execute to” deliver client delight. Joseph will outline the role leadership vision and alignment play while offering approaches to inspire client-centricity for everyone who represents your brand. He will provide practical tools on how to integrate technology with human service delivery to create a uniquely special bond with your clients.
10:30 am


11:00 am
Linking Value and Pricing: Insights from
FOX’s Latest Research
Speakers: Karen Rush, Director of Membership,
Family Office Exchange; and David Toth, Director of
Advisor Research, Family Office Exchange
Critical to the creation and application of new ideas within the marketplace to generate new value is a keen awareness of the client’s perception of the value delivered over time. To provide you with tools necessary for strategic thinking from a tactical perspective, Karen and David will share key findings from the FOX MFO Benchmarking study that link value to pricing trends, structure, and the evolving value of services provided. 
11:45 am
Panel of Millennials Luncheon:
Generating New Value: Innovation in
Engaging Millennials
Moderator: Session Host: Amy Hart Clyne,
Executive Director, Family Office Exchange
Panelists: Dexter Blackwell, Relationship Manager, Eton Advisors,
Michael Sidgmore, Senior Vice President, Investor Network, iCapital Network, Whitney Webb, Independent Family Consultant

Family Office Exchange continues to lead efforts on assessing need; analyzing impact; evaluating ideas, preparing for innovation; aligning culture and teams toward commitment; and targeting efforts in the design, development and delivery of meaningful and dynamic products, services and processes that are uniquely positioned for the next generation of wealth owners. In a candid discourse, a panel of client and advisor millennials will identify what you need to do strategically to meet the emerging needs of the inheriting generation.

1:15 pm
Forum Wrap Up – Getting Tactical: What
are my Key Take-Aways?
Speaker: Alexandre Monnier, President, Family
Office Exchange
There is little benefit from engaging in stimulating and thought provoking learning and networking without an action plan for implementing what you have learned. Alexandre will provide guidance on what you should do more, better, or differently as a result of what was shared at the 2016 Wealth Advisor Forum.
1:30 pm



Up to 5.5 CPE credits can be earned by attending this event. CPE credits are accepted at the option of state certifying boards. Requirements, compliance procedures and acceptance may vary state.


REFUND POLICY: For event registrations, refunds of payment or forum allotments will be offered if the cancellation is made in writing to Family Office Exchange at five (5) or more business days prior to the start of the event.