Tuesday, October 23


Tuesday, October 23

7:30 a.m.  Breakfast
8:30 a.m.  Opening comments 
Alexandre Monnier, President 
9:15 a.m. Developing a Family Wealth Strategy with a Multi-generational Perspective
Sara Hamilton, CEO and Founder, Family Office Exchange, Thought Leaders Council members

Find out what a family wealth strategy looks like and how it can support the sustainability of the family and its wealth. In this session, FOX presents the best thinking from the participants in the Thought Leaders Summit in May as well as several family examples to bring the concepts to life. Family leaders explain why they felt the need for a long-term wealth strategy and how they went about the process of developing one. Next steps in the process will be shared with Forum participants and questions from the audience will be welcomed. 

10:15 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. "The peer dialogue was by far my favorite session," 2011 Fall Forum attendee

Peer Dialogue 
One of the most valuable benefits of the Forum is the opportunity for private peer discussion. Participants self-select into the session that fits their role the best:

  • Owners in Leadership Roles
  • Executives for Offices for Families with Operating Businesses
  • Executives of Small Offices (1-5 employees)
  • Executives of Medium Offices (6-15 employees)
  • Executives of Large Offices (16+ employees)
  • Thought Leaders Council

"Very timely and practical information, great networking with peers," 2011 Fall Forum attendee

12:30 p.m. All Members Lunch 
1:00 p.m.  All Members Welcome - FOX CEO Perspective: The View From Where We Stand
Sara Hamilton, CEO and Founder, Family Office Exchange 
  Overview of Afternoon Learning Tracks 
Conference attendees have the option of following one of three topical education tracks or to select sessions from different tracks
2:15 p.m.

Track 1: Successful Approaches to Investing 
Sponsored by: Abbot Downing

Impact Investing in Context
Moderator:   Mary Mewha, SVP & Regional Managing Director, Abbot Downing, 
Speakers: Luther Ragin, CEO, Global Impact Investing Network, John V. Jonson, Managing Director and Partner, Capricorn Investment Group, LLC
Julia Sze, Managing Director, Sonen Capital, LLC
It is estimated that by 2020 between $400 billion and $1 trillion dollars will be invested through Impact Investing. Clearly this new approach to influencing positive social and environmental changes has far-reaching implications. This session explores the nuances related to the unique position impact investing occupies, somewhere between non-traditional philanthropic and market-driven motives. It also examines the related challenges around benchmarking and investment performance tracking especially for the non-investment social and environmental component. 

Track 2: Encouraging Entrepreneurship

Supporting Entrepreneurs in Your Family – Part I
Ann Dugan, University of Pittsburgh - Institute for Entrepreneurial Excellence, Family Enterprise Center, Katz Graduate School of Business and Dirk Jungé, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Pitcairn
Family leaders are finding that to cultivate family members’ interests, talents, dreams and careers to their fullest potential, they need to constantly develop new strategies, new roles, and new understandings. By tapping into the same entrepreneurial spirit that was responsible for the success of the original operating businesses, families can find the innovation they need to address today’s challenges and create new opportunities. Find out how to capture these family strategic advantages that lead to opportunities for today and tomorrow.

This two-part session explains: 

-         What being entrepreneurial is truly about
-         How to develop a culture that embraces and builds upon the family roots in entrepreneurship
-         How to identify and foster entrepreneurial traits in individuals
-         How and when to encourage entrepreneurship
-         How to set up pathways to allow the next generation to step forward


Track 3: Critical Issues for Family Offices

Succession Planning for Key Family Office Roles
As the baby boomers retire, many Family Office executives in key roles  who have served the same family for years will be leaving their roles. This change has significant implications for family members who lean on these leaders  for insight and comprehensive knowledge of the family’s interests, advisors who look to them to coordinate services, and family office staff who rely on their leadership. Anticipating this change, family offices share the steps they are taking to prepare for this crucial transition and ensure service continuity.


Track 4: Lessons Learned in Wealth Stewardship

Developing a Roadmap for Successful Leadership Transitions
Karen Neal, Managing Director, Consulting, Family Office Exchange and Margaret Robinson, Senior Consultant, Family Office Exchange

Leadership succession is perhaps the most uniquely challenging issue a family faces. It transcends the business of wealth management to touch on personal issues of family dynamics and engagement. It is for this reason that you need a clear, transparent and understandable plan for making a change in leadership, one that helps you balance preserving your legacy with preserving family harmony. The facilitators of the September Workshop on Leadership Succession will provide an overview of the program and what was learned from the participants.  They will share the elements of the Roadmap that every family needs to develop when planning for a leadership transition.

3:30 p.m. Break
4:00 p.m. 
Track 1: Successful Approaches to Investing
Sponsored by: Abbot Downing
The Goal-Based Investing Advantage
W.Jackson Parham, Chief Investment Officer, Eton Advisors; Stephen Campisi, Director of Institutional Investments, Bank of American Merrill Lynch
One of the trends we’ve seen in response to the volatility of the markets in recent years has been for certain private investors to rethink how they define objectives and measure their investments. Through goals-based investing, families are actively articulating and measuring their investment profile in terms of their personal financial goals, rather than in terms of market benchmarks. Goals-based investing can also supplement more traditional approaches.  This sounds good in theory, but what does it mean in practice? This session goes beyond the basics drawing on examples from families’ experiences to illustrate what a goals-based investment philosophy looks like, as well as to examine issues related to implementation.

Track 2: Encouraging Entrepreneurship

Supporting Entrepreneurs in your Family, Part II

Track 3: Critical Issues for Family Offices

Combining Strategy and Tactics: How to Educate Families
Educating and preparing family members for the financial and emotional responsibilities that come with exceptional wealth are perennial issues in the family office environment. Yet despite good intentions for preparing and educating heirs and new family members, actual development and follow through on formalizing education often falls through the cracks.  Find out the current state of education in family offices, why it is important, characteristics of responsible ownership and how to develop an effective education system.  Real case examples and stories will be highlighted to illustrate key points of experiential learning methods.

Track 4: Lessons Learned in Wealth Stewardship

Lessons Learned from Family Trustees
Mariann Mihailidis, Manager Director, Councils, Family Office Exchange

5:15 p.m. Wrap up and Adjourn
6:30 p.m. All Member Reception and Dinner
Lion House and Cafe Brauer - Lincoln Park Zoo