2015 Wealth Advisor Forum Agenda

Monday, April 27, 2015


GOLF: 1:00 PM
RECEPTION: 6:00 PM or after golf



Tuesday, April 28, 2015

7:30 a.m. – Breakfast and Exhibits

8:30 a.m.The Eight Elements of Building a Family Enterprise
Speaker: Alexandre Monnier, President, Family Office Exchange

Among the many benefits of deploying design-build project delivery methodology for complex construction projects is a single point of responsibility. As such, the master builder team is responsible for all aspects of the project—leaving an owner free to focus on the project’s scope and general decision making. Building an enduring family enterprise can be likened to a construction project in its complexity, concern over the project’s environmental and social impact as well as the ongoing goal that the end product provides easy-to-maintain sustainability. These goals and others draw a comparison to family wealth advisor service that places the advisor in the role of design-builder ─ leading the aesthetic, technical and foundational elements of building family sustainability. FOX president, Alexandre Monnier, will draw a comparison between being a design-builder and serving as a family wealth advisor and will provide insight into Building an Integrated Wealth Plan.  
9:15 a.m.What Families Say They Want and Need! 
Speaker: Amy Hart Clyne, Executive Director, Knowledge Center, Family Office Exchange
Through research by Family Office Exchange and others, industry leaders have been able to uniquely pinpoint what families say they want and need. Amy Hart Clyne will share the ‘voice of the wealth owner’ while identifying the impact of these findings on the advisor of the future. 
10:00 a.m.Networking Break
10:30 a.m.Leading the Team: Aligning the Goals of a Multi-Functional Work Team*
Speaker: Ben Dattner, Ph.D.
Critical to the success of any design-build project is creating and managing a highly-functional, cooperative and collaborative team of internal and external resources to meet the needs of the family. Building such a work team necessitates thoughtful and preemptive conflict resolution processes as well as effective communication strategies. Ben Dattner, Ph.D., will guide participants on how to increase their individual effectiveness by developing a better understanding of the impact of individual psychology and group dynamics on their performance. In addition, Ben will share how to configure teams more effectively, and to reduce the amount of interpersonal and intergroup conflict.
12:00 p.m.Speed Networking before lunch
12:30 p.m. - Networking Buffet Lunch and exhibitor introduction
1:45 p.m. Peer Dialogue 
In an opportunity to exchange ideas and experiential knowledge, program attendees will address the Eight Elements of Building a Family Enterprise and other issues pertinent to the role of the advisor.
3:30 p.m.Networking Break
4:00 p.m.Breakouts* (choose one when registering) 

Breakout 1 — The Role of the Advisor - Family Leadership and Governance

Achieving Authentic Excellence- Improving Productivity, Fulfillment and Resilience

Session Host: Amy Hart Clyne, Executive Director, Family Office Exchange
Speaker: R. Kelly Crace, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for Health and Wellness, College of William and Mary

Dr. Crace will explore the promises and pitfalls of values-based living from both a personal and family perspective. While research links values to flourishing, there has been little discussion of how values can unintentionally get in the way of our productivity. This workshop will examine these issues and outline a process called “dynamic blueprinting” that can lead advisors on an individual exploration of how to transition from fear-based excellence into achieving authentic excellence. Included will be techniques for getting beyond the “plateau effect” of being “stuck at good” and how to develop an “expressive mindset” to lead toward improving productivity with fulfillment and resilience.

As one of the highest rated seminars presented exclusively for family members at the 2014 FOX Fall Forum, Dr. Crace has agreed to re-cast his innovative and actionable insight to meet the unique needs of individuals serving in the role of the family wealth advisor.

Breakout 2 — The Role of the Advisor – Integration

Developing Advisor Talent and Team Structures
Session Host: David Toth, Director of Advisor Research, Family Office Exchange
Speakers: Karen Bouche, Executive Vice President, Greenleaf Trust and Jennifer D. Fox, Senior Vice President / Director of Relationship Management, Hawthorn , PNC Family Wealth

As the desire to further refine the client experience moves to the forefront of today’s competitive marketplace, the search for qualified and proven talent escalates. While once considered practical to “buy” talent, firms today are re-energizing efforts in the realm of talent development.

Talent development provides a vehicle for empowering employees by giving them access to the tools, resources, and knowledge necessary to perform at their highest level. As such, firms are beginning to focus learning on the entire employee life cycle: on-boarding, performance management, career management, high-potential identification, leadership development, coaching, mentoring and other unique needs relevant to working on an integrated team. David Toth and a team of industry professionals will provide an overview of developing advisor talent and team structures and what you need to do to remain competitive.

Breakout 3 —  The Role of the Advisor – Holding the Reins on Passion Investments

Assessing Risk and Managing Opportunities: Tying these to Realistic Goal Development
Session Host: Ruth Easterling, Managing Director - Member Services, Family Office Exchange
Speaker: Katja Zigerlig, Vice President, Fine Art, Wine and Jewelry Insurance, AIG Private Client Group; and  Gina Teresi, Partner, Commercial Insurance Consultant; Diana Nawi, Associate Curator, Perez Art Museum Miami

As Benjamin Franklin once stated, “If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.” High net worth individuals often accumulate substantial assets in the form of art, jewelry, wine and as an element of equestrian actives and equine ownership. While the pursuit of these passions can become sound financial investments…they can also add considerable risk if not adequately managed, properly secured and appropriately protected. As the “holder of the reins”, advisors are often placed in the position of, by necessity, stepping beyond the emotions and providing a sense of reality when it comes to successful implementation strategies and sound decision making processes.
So…what do you need to know about these unique asset classes? Who can you call upon for support in managing and valuing these collections? And…how do you become the voice of reason on passion investments?

Breakout 4 —  The Role of the Advisor – Financial Security

Leading Integrated Planning for Financial Capital
Session Host: Charles B. Grace III, Managing Director, Family Office Exchange
Speakers: David L. Donabedian, CFA, Chief Investment Officer, Atlantic Trust Private Wealth Management; Martina Frangis, Managing Director, Atlantic Trust Private Wealth Management;Chris Lowry, Director, Asset Consulting Group, LLC and Daniel C. Tarlas, CFA, Senior Managing Director, Asset Consulting Group, LLC

Managing diversified financial assets for ultra wealth families has become increasingly complex and requires a multi-disciplinary approach. The session will explore how investment focused firms approach working as the trusted advisor for their clients versus wealth management firms that provide more comprehensive solutions. In either case the advisor must become the project foreman and member of a of a multidiscipline family wealth strategy. The perspective will be from the investment side, but will include its integration with other pieces of the wealth management puzzle. For investment responsibilities alone, the advisor is accountable for leading an increasingly complex array of due diligence processes, risk control procedures, opportunity assessments, compliance, oversight and reporting requirements that are accepted and in alignment with the family’s overall goals and expectations.

Utilizing the experience and knowledge of a varied team of financial experts, Charlie Grace will provide participants with step-by-step guidelines for leading today’s complex, integrated planning of financial capital.  

5:30 p.m. – Adjourn
6:30 p.m.Cocktail Reception and Master Builder Dinner
Join us pool-side for a cocktail reception followed by dinner stations where you can catch up with fellow attendees and discuss the key themes and content shared during the forum thus far.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

7:30 a.m.Breakfast and Exhibits
9:00 a.m.Welcome and Logistics
9:15 a.m. – Understanding and Applying Industry Trends to Exemplary Advisor Service                
Moderated by: Alexandre Monnier, President, Family Office Exchange
Speakers: John Benevides, President, CTC | myCFO; Glen W. Johnson, Managing Director, Mirador Family Wealth Advisors; Kevin Tobin, President and CEO, Marsh Private Client Services; Dennis Wright, Managing Director at The Wellspring Group, LLC
Sustainability of the family and wealth for the long-term is critically dependent on current conditions and trends that impact families today and well into the future. Family Office Exchange is pleased to provide a panel of industry leaders whose experience, position and knowledge of the industry places them at the forefront understanding the work critical for success as the architect, engineer and constructor of full integrated, exemplary advisor service. 
10:15 a.m.Networking Break
10:30 a.m. Exploring Your Personal Leadership Brand: Becoming the Master-Builder of YOUR Future*
Speaker: Sarah Biggerstaff, Lecturer in the Practice of Leadership and Leadership Coach, Yale School of Management
As an advisor responsible for providing holistic and integrated family wealth services, leadership is an integral part of your every day responsibility. Sarah Biggerstaff, noted coach and lecturer in the practice of leadership at Yale School of Management, will walk participants through a process to unlock their potential and explore their personal identity as a leader. Sarah believes there is no one-size fits all approach to leadership and will help advisors explore and develop their own authentic style. 
12:00 p.m.Forum Wrap Up – What are my Key Take-Aways?
12:30 p.m.Adjourn 
12:30 p.m. –  Closing Lunch Buffet 
 CPE Credit is offered to those attending sessions marked with an asterisk(*)
 Up to 3 hours are offered to those attending April 28-29 programming and are subject to state regulations.

REFUND POLICY: Refunds of payment or forum allotments will be offered if the cancellation is made in writing to Family Office Exchange at events@familyoffice.com five or more business days prior to the start of the event.

ADDITIONAL ATTENDEES: Additional attendees from the same organization receive a discount. Before registering an additional attendee please send an e-mail to events@familyoffice.com

EVENT ALLOTMENTS: If you wish to save your event allotment for a later forum and pay to attend the Wealth Advisor Forum send an e-mail to events@familyoffice.com.