Beginning in March 2017, FOX live and online educational programs will be accredited for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA). This will make it easier and more reliable for members to apply for the credits in their state. Joining the National Registry of CPE Sponsors affirms FOX’s commitment to the delivery of high quality continuing professional education in FOX Forums, Council Meetings and Webinars.
- FOX content, which always offered continuing professional education in the form of CPE credits, now has NASBA’s official approval that FOX is in compliance with the Statement of Standards for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs (revised August 2016).
- This is an important benefit to FOX members since many have one or more of the following accreditations required to take a certain amount of CPE credit hours annually: CPA, CFA, CIMA, CFM, CIA, CFE, EA, CGFM and CFP. This should help facilitate FOX member’s approval of the CPE submitted, provided that members meet their own state requirements, compliance procedures and acceptance in the state in which they are licensed.
Be sure to look for the official registry statement on all FOX programming offering NASBA approved CPE as follows:

Frequently Asked Questions:
How to I request CPE credit after attending a FOX program?
If you attended a webinar and would like to request CPE credit and certificate, you must complete the following: 1. Engage in three live polling questions during the broadcast. 2. Complete the online program evaluation and submit your contact information. Certificates for webinar attendance are generally emailed to recipients within 14 business days post-broadcast.
If you attended a live FOX event that is eligible for CPE credit, you must simply complete the online program evaluation and submit your contact information to request a CPE credit and certificate.
Can apply FOX CPE credits toward my CFP accreditation?
We currently do not have an official affiliation with the CFP Board at this time but may be exploring CFP sponsor certification in the future. Currently, we only offer NASBA sponsored CPE credits. These credits can generally transfer to several accrediting organizations, including the CFP. However, individuals may encounter a fee for transferring their credits.
Does FOX offer CLE credit?
Not at this time. However, we encourage members to submit their FOX CPE credits from legal focused webinars or events individually to their state CLE Board for consideration.
Does FOX offer CPE credit to those that view recorded webinars?
Not yet, but we’re working on it!