Executive Council '04 - March 7-9, 2022 - Fort Lauderdale Meeting


Monday, March 7, 2022 - 6:00pm to Wednesday, March 9, 2022 - 2:00pm


The FOX Executive Council '04 is comprised of CEOs of the largest, most sophisticated multi-generational family offices in the U.S. pursuing the best practices for complex family enterprises.  The purpose of this council is to elevate the professional and personal performance of these executives and therefore enhance the operation of the broader family enterprise and long term well-being of the family.

Each Council works from a FOX developed curriculum that is tailored to the needs of the Council. Meetings include content from the curriculum as well as specific topics and discussions requested by the Council members. FOX provides the appropriate internal and external resources for lively, fruitful meetings.

For information about joining this Council, contact us by email or call 312-327-1247.

  • Agenda
  • Meeting Presentations



Monday, March 7, 2022

6:30 p.m.


Arrival Cocktails and Dinner 




Tuesday, March 8, 2022

8:15 a.m.






9:00 p.m.



Facilitated by Scott A. Winget, Enterprise Market Leader and Glen W. Johnson, President, FOX

  • Introduction of Peter Moustakerski, FOX CEO
  • Guest and new council members introduction
  • Agenda Review and Tech Notes for Hybrid Meeting




9:30 a.m.


2022 Priorities and Executive Peer Dialogue

Facilitated by Scott A. Winget and Glen W. Johnson, FOX




10:30 a.m.






10:45 a.m.


Financial Reporting Packages

Kent Lawson, Director, Technology Integration Services, FOX

Family members rely on their offices to provide accurate and informative information to understand their situations and help them make informed decisions.  Council members will share redacted samples of their financial reporting packages they produce for their family clients.

In addition, Kent will review recent developments at the main firms and tools that support these efforts, including aggregators, accounting tools, performance analytics tools and report generators.  




12:00 p.m.






1:00 p.m.


Family Dynamics and Communication 

Amy Castoro, President & CEO and (remotely) Joel Kimmel, Senior Lead Family Consultant, The Williams Group

Legacies are built on relationships, and relationships are built on trust and communication.  Amy will offer insights and experiences to strengthen family harmony, resilience, and alignment during wealth transition.  Agenda:

  • Understand the impact of family dynamics on successful wealth transfer and what you can do today to prepare your family
  • Learn communication tools that support family harmony
  • Find out what separates families that are successful and why some fail
  • Discover ways to start the conversation with your family




2:30 p.m.






2:45 p.m.


Estate Settlement and 706

Mandy Chardoul, Tax Partner, Plante Moran, PLLC

The passing of a family member is always stressful and challenging.  The family office plays a critical role in helping the family through the process, often coordinating everything from the smallest funeral details to the preparation of the IRS Form 706.  

Mandy will discuss the benefits of pre-planning, through the use of fire drills and mock/proforma 706 preparation, and members will be encouraged to share experiences and lessons-learned in dealing with the deaths and estates within their families.




3:45 p.m.






4:00 p.m.


Executive Peer Dialogue

Facilitated by Scott A. Winget and Glen W. Johnson, FOX




5:00 p.m.


Day 1 Meeting Adjourned




6:00 p.m.


Council Cocktails and Dinner




Wednesday, March 9, 2022

8:15 a.m.






9:00 a.m.


Welcome Back




9:15 a.m.


Board Reporting

Council Member  and Kent Lawson, FOX

Keeping board members informed is a critical role of every family office executive. Council members will share redacted samples of their Family Office Board Packages, (the council member) will share a board reporting tool he uses, and Kent will lead a discussion around other available tools and portals.




10:30 a.m.


Morning Break




11:30 a.m.


Additional Dialogue, Wrap-Up & Preparations for Future Meetings

Facilitated by Scott A. Winget and Glen W. Johnson, FOX

  • Any additional questions for the group to address
  • Planning for the next meeting(s)
    • Fall 2022:  September 19-21, 2023
    • Spring 2023:  Suggested date, March 6-8, 2023




12:00 p.m.






1:00 p.m.


Day 2 Meeting Adjourned