2020 FOX Family Office Technology Showcase Agenda

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Tuesday, July 28, 2020
All times are Central



10:00 am


FOX is committed to identifying technology trends and issues that will impact family offices over the next decade. In this Showcase FOX will support its members in staying current on latest technology and bringing leading technology providers to you virtually. These firms will tell us how they make decisions about future direction for their products, which will give us insight into the future of integrated technology.




10:10 am

Preparing to Embrace New Technologies in the Modern World

Peter Boumgarden, Professor of Practice Strategy and Organizations, Olin Business School at Washington University, St. Louis   

Embracing technological change and doing so in a way that drives competitive advantage is difficult. It requires that firms understand which changes are most critical to their core business, how such changes generate strategic opportunity, and finally, how to move with greater agility in these directions when the time is right. In the following session, Dr. Peter Boumgarden from Washington University in St. Louis (Olin Business School) walks through a particular set of research-informed ways in which family enterprises and wealth owners, in particular, might be able to navigate this landscape with greater agility.





10:30 am

Technology Panel Discussion: Planning for Tomorrow’s Technology Today

Moderator: Erin Hulse, Owner, Deviate Consulting
Deviate Consulting focuses on software consulting and selection for single and multi-family offices.


Ryan Kerry, CEO, KnowLedger

Mary Timmons, Chief Operating Officer, Global Family and Private Investment Offices Group, Northern Trust

Diana Ermini, Director of Financial Services Vertical, Sage Intacct

FOX has brought together multiple service providers to highlight their direction and strategies. Gain insights into how different technology is building to work together and discover how this change in direction empowers family offices to select technologies and solve unique challenges.




11:00 am Break  
11:15 am  Technology Demonstration – EstateSpace

Technology provider EstateSpace will demonstrate the features and benefits of their technology with emphasis on wealth planning and how their products uniquely serve the needs of the family office.


11:50 am

Peer Dialogues

Family Office Dialogues:

1 to 6 year offices

7 to 15 year offices

16 to 30 year offices

Over 30 year offices

Advisor Peer Dialogue


 12:30 pm Day 1 Concludes  

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

10:00 am

Opening Day 2

One of the most complicated aspects of technology solutions is finding a vendor whose strategic direction for their products and services run parallel with the direction of our family offices. History shows us the changes made by technology providers greatly affect how we can best serve our families. Changes such as a database platform or a rules engine, software or software as a service (SAAS) are all included in these questions.

We have asked our Premier Sponsors to give us an insight into the direction their organizations will be taking in the upcoming years and what technology decisions are driving them. FOX’s goal is to provide our members insight to better align their own decisions with the future direction of the technology industry.





10:10 am

Attendee Survey on the Tech Goals for Your Family Office

Kent Lawson
, FOX Technology Advisor
Mindy Kalinowski Earley, CMP, CFBA, Chief Learning Officer, FOX Family Learning CenterTM

FOX’s 2019 Benchmarking study showed us a new path that family offices are beginning to take, and so we want to understand the challenges and long-term goals that our members are dealing with. This participation session using Mentimeter Surveys is meant to help us to discover and talk about the current technology needs within FOX member offices. As FOX works to build a technology marketplace, understanding the frustrations and concerns in our community will help to direct how to best support our members.




10:35 am

Addepar - With a Brand-New Chief Technology Officer Taking the Helm, What Shifts in the Tech Stack will Addepar Follow?

Ruchir Swarup, CTO, Addepar

Long-time BlackRock executive, Ruchir Swarup, has joined Addepar as the new CTO, filling the 6-year vacant position. How will Addepar’s strategic plans change given this significant change to the organization? Will these changes coincide with the family offices using or targeting Addepar as a possible solution?

10:50 am Break  

11:00 am

Technology Demonstrations – Session One

Attend one of six different showcase sessions based on your areas of interest. Technology providers will demonstrate the features and benefits of their technology with emphasis on how their products uniquely serve the needs of the family office. Sessions will include demonstrations, a Q&A with the provider, and a peer dialogue in private without the provider.




11:45 am


12:00 pm

Technology Demonstrations – Session Two

Attend one of six different showcase sessions based on your areas of interest. Technology providers will demonstrate the features and benefits of their technology with emphasis on how their products uniquely serve the needs of the family office. Sessions will include demonstrations, a Q&A with the provider, and a peer dialogue in private without the provider.

12:45 pm Break  
1:00 pm

Technology and Data Dialogues

Software Platforms

Data Analysis and Reporting

Family Collaboration Platforms


1:45 pm Day 2 Concludes  

Thursday, July 30, 2020


10:00 am

Opening Day 3




10:10 am

SEI - Relentless Development: What Comes Next for SEI’s Archway Platform℠

Paul Freeland, Head of Sales & Service, SEI Family Office Services

Originally designed to address the pervasive accounting and reporting issues faced by family partnerships and funds, the Archway Platform has seen its share of evolution. Two decades later and powered by a Relentless Development Philosophy (RDP), our platform forged the path for today’s landscape of family office accounting and investment reporting solutions, evolving to meet ever-changing expectations set into motion by the shifting needs of our family office clients, generational wealth transfers, changes in economic policy and technology innovation. So what comes next in the evolution of SEI Family Office Services and the Archway Platform? Join Paul Freeland as he discusses our path to innovation, our plans for the future and how we continue to move forward for our client community.




10:25 am Remarks  
10:30 am

Masttro – Leading Technology Trends in Family Enterprise Transformation

Padman Perumal, Chief Executive Officer, Masttro Americas

Having Been Described as a Next-Generation Platform that Includes Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Advancements in Cybersecurity, What Technology Trends does Masttro See for the Next 5 Years?

Masttro has stated they will help advance the industry with new capabilities that offer greater automation and efficiency and increased client privacy and confidentiality for family offices. From Masttro’s innovative lens, which advancements will be the leading technology trends in family enterprise transformation? How will these changes benefit family offices? And how should family offices plan for these changes?


10:45 am Remarks  
10:50 am Break  
11:00 am

Technology Demonstrations – Session Three

Attend one of six different showcase sessions based on your areas of interest. Technology providers will demonstrate the features and benefits of their technology with emphasis on how their products uniquely serve the needs of the family office. Sessions will include demonstrations, a Q&A with the provider, and a peer dialogue in private without the provider.

11:45 am Break  
12:00 pm

Technology Demonstrations – Session Four

Attend one of six different showcase sessions based on your areas of interest. Technology providers will demonstrate the features and benefits of their technology with emphasis on how their products uniquely serve the needs of the family office. Sessions will include demonstrations, a Q&A with the provider, and a peer dialogue in private without the provider.

12:45 pm Showcase Concludes