RECAP: 2018 FOX Family Office Forum


Creating an Effective Team for the Family Office

Cassie Atteberry, Human Resources Director, Chinquapin Trust Company

Bonnie Gauger, Human Resources Director, Johnson Keland Management

Session Description: 

The biggest asset of any family office is the staff that supports the family clients. In this session, two family office human resource executives presented the elements and processes to consider when attempting to build an effective team; one that delivers the best client experience for the family. The executives discussed leadership and team building strategies and offered practical examples to build the best team to support the family.


“Performance reviews can be effective if you use ‘3 Stars and 3 Wishes.’ Explain 3 things that demonstrate how the person shines and 3 things they can improve on."
Key Takeaways: 
  • There are four elements that create a strong foundation for an effective family office: culture, leadership, team, and talent. Culture is made up of the values, behaviors, and assumptions of an organization and its employees. To begin to address culture, it is important to assess the current state with 100% honesty. Consider doing SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis that takes into account Return on Investment (ROI).
  • Get clarity of purpose for any culture changes. Start with why, assess organizational readiness, determine resources internally/externally, and make a plan that can be measured. Define the future state by using inputs from the current state analysis: continue what’s good and change what’s not. Identify key metrics to track over time and consider doing a survey to capture a baseline assessment.
  • There is leadership in all employees – one must set a direction and create a map for growth. Create vision and inspire all to engage by coaching and building a team that is effective at achieving the vision
  • Building an effective team requires alignment, communication, collaboration, and shared values. Start by establishing trust and leading by example. Build relationships and foster that across the team. Strive to be transparent, open, and approachable to further engender trust. Support team member learning and growth – from mistakes and from one another. Finally, respect and understand differences.
  • Managing your talent is important across the employee lifecycle. Assess current employees at hiring, performance reviews, and during daily feedback. Be prompt in addressing poor performers by setting them up for success, hold proactive conversations with high performers and make a plan to keep and motivate them for success.

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(FOX Members only)