KnowLedger is a tool that creates journal entries from your custodian data and will populate them into your GL.

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KnowLedger helps accounting firms and family offices deal with the challenge of keeping their general ledgers (GL) up to date with accurate financial information pulled from an array of custodians, portfolio accounting systems, and other sources. With decades of experience in its team, KnowLedger developed an intuitive middleware platform that leverages a rules-based approach to translate detailed investment data into the GL on a routine basis.
Our customers describe KnowLedger’s impact has being able to “eliminate their data headaches”. They routinely face challenges in managing large volumes of data with high accuracy. This is difficult in the best of times, let alone when under time constraints. Consequently, period-end processing is time consuming. Getting everything in on-time is stressful for them. Re-keying data is error-prone and costly. Late data causes delays in decision-making. And having accountants focused on this data entry is a poor use of skilled resources.
KnowLedger takes all of these pressures off the table. It enters data much more frequently (and accurately) than accountants doing it manually. This means problems are found and fixed more quickly, intra-month. And therefore, the month end process lasts only a few days.
Founder, Ryan Kerry, has worked with numerous accounting and family office teams to deliver successful data integrations that are game-changing to the offices—offering improved efficiency, data clarity and responsiveness.
KnowLedger is a data service that moves data from portfolio accounting systems and custodians to the GL using a rules-based approach that ensures accuracy, completeness, and data confidence. Our team works closely with clients to establish mappings and data flow, then oversees the recurring movement of the data from source data to the GL. In order to move data successfully, solutions must have good source data, good rules and mapping, good workflows and diligent data entry with unbelievably focused attention to detail.
KnowLedger does all of that for its clients. We not only move the data, but in doing so, we simultaneously audit data health. We monitor entity and portfolio rules. We eliminate data entry problems. Eliminate redundancy, re-keying. Eliminate latency. And deliver up-to-date accuracy across the client’s integrated financial network.
Teams can either use the KnowLedger platform directly or collaborate with the KnowLedger team to maintain the rules, mappings, data flow, and integrations. In either scenario, the KnowLedger team works closely with its clients over time to ensure that market changes, technology changes, data formatting changes, etc. are addressed and result in disruption-free data feeds to the general ledger.
KnowLedger is much more than it first appears. It’s not adequate to label it simply middleware without acknowledging the depth of hands-on industry experience and insight that’s infused into the design and operation of the platform. At its core, KnowLedger is an array of data processing routines that are industry-aware—have the innate understanding of the nature of the financial data passing through it, and the ability to detect and address key issues and irregularities common in the types of transactions being fed from source to destination. This level of built-in industry expertise sets KnowLedger far above competing platforms that simply “connect the dots” and siphon data from one point to another.
KnowLedger was built for a specific purpose—to ease the burden of data management by accounting teams, and to capitalize on the ability that technology offers to handle large volumes of data while simultaneously checking and loading that data into a useable data store than is designed specifically to enable financial decision-making and analysis.
KnowLedger’s track record bears out this expertise, and the company’s commitment to successful implementations that result in game-changing operation within the day-to-day operations.
2020 FOX Technology Showcase Preview | July 28-30, 2020
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