Enterprise Families


2019 FOX Foresight – Surfacing Risks and Opportunities to Enhance the Enterprise
Family Office Exchange
Once a family recognizes they own and manage a complex range of endeavors, the family leaders need to look strategically across the enterprise at where opportunities and risks exist. They should then
2019 FOX Foresight – Investing in the Family Through a Family Learning Committee
Family Office Exchange
The Family Learning Committee addresses the need every family has to engage and prepare its rising generation to live well with wealth by sharing the “Why, What, and How of Family Learning
2019 FOX Foresight – Managing Family Enterprises in an Era of Uncertainty and Distrust
Family Office Exchange
Family Enterprises face an increasingly uncertain and risky world owing to developments in the economy, geopolitics, financial markets, technology, and industry competition. In order to navigate this
U.S. Trust Insights on Wealth and Worth® Detailed Findings
U.S. Trust Family Office
The 2018 U.S. Trust Insights on Wealth and Worth® study asked nearly one thousand high-net-worth individuals about their approach to building wealth and the extent to which they are using it to
U.S. Trust Insights on Wealth and Worth® Findings Overview: Putting Wealth into Action
U.S. Trust Family Office
It is often thought that financial success comes with a certain level of financial freedom: the freedom to pursue passions, to take risks, to give back, and to make an even bigger impact. In the 2018
Sustainability—The Springboard for Future Generations
GenSpring | SunTrust Private Wealth
While wealthy families prefer to pass nearly two-thirds of their wealth to their children, grandchildren and other heirs, they grapple with a fundamental question: Can their wealth benefit their
2018 FOX Family Learning Survey
Family Office Exchange
Every family enterprise is challenged to prepare younger family members to be responsible wealth owners and to flourish in their own lives. The 2018 FOX Family Learning Survey provides readers with
Dementia Tips for Household Staff
Home Care Assistance
When a family member is diagnosed with a memory disorder like Alzheimer's, it can be confusing and frustrating. With the right preparation and care, family offices and household staff can
FOX Foresight – Trends Impacting Families
Family Office Exchange
FOX Foresight – Trends Impacting Families identifies the three main forces—distrust in all major institutions by individuals, the rapid pace of innovation, and people everywhere living longer—that
2018 FOX Foresight – What's on the Minds of FOX Members
Family Office Exchange