Investment Strategy & Direct Strategy


2023 FOX Global Investment Survey
Family Office Exchange
FOX’s annual Global Investment Survey was divided into two segments, launched in February and March 2023, respectively, to the FOX community. The surveys fielded until the end of April 2023. Please
FOX Partner Webcast: Investment Opportunities in India: Investors Will Find Plenty of Opportunities in the World’s Largest Democracy
Investors have long understood the value of seeking geographic diversification but, family offices have probably not fully appreciated what many other institutional investors such as pension funds
Global Economic Update: Emerging Trends Challenging Investors
Join FOX for a 2023 global economic update from NEPC’s Head of Asset Allocation, Phillip Nelson. Phillip will highlight the key investment themes of 2023 and the new trends challenging the behavioral
2022 Global Investment Survey Highlights
One of FOX’s invaluable member benefits is the peer perspective gleaned from participating in FOX surveys. Jonathan Tunner, Director of Private Investment Opportunities at FOX, and Scott Muench, the
Family Office Co-Investing: Negotiating Deals
In order for two family offices to successfully work out a co-investing deal on a commercial and fair basis, both sides have to understand what the other party cares about. Negotiators need to