Family Businesses


Recession or Not, Family Businesses Benefit from These Strategic and Tactical Tips
Baker Tilly
Many family-owned businesses feel like a recession has started already, due to rising material and energy costs, continued labor shortages coupled with wage increases, and other factors. Whether
Employment Dos and Don'ts When Implementing Workforce Reductions
Foley & Lardner
With the signal of a looming recession, forward-looking employers are preparing for a change in course regarding labor challenges. Taking steps now to prepare for the possibility of
Regulatory Trends Impacting Household Employment
TEAM Risk Management Strategies
Employing service providers in your home carries considerable risk. If not handled with extreme care, the process of hiring, termination, and managing day-to-day responsibilities can create liability
Pre- And Post-Transaction Planning Checklist for the Sale of Your Business
William Blair & Company
When selling a business, owners often focus on closing the deal. An additional focus on personal wealth planning opportunities could result in significant savings on income, gift, and estate taxes.
The Talent Problem, Revisited
Baker Tilly
Attracting and retaining talent was a significant problem for many organizations before the COVID-19 pandemic, and it continues to be a major issue across most industries. While the pandemic
Data Security Incident Report 2022—Resilience and Perseverance
Diving deep into the metrics from more than 1,270 data security incidents, this one-of-a-kind report features actionable insights and checklists to help companies improve their data security measures
Business Ownership at a Crossroad: Key Questions for Planning What's Next
Cambridge Associates
Although business-owning families have foundational reasons for staying invested, most at some point will contemplate whether, when, and how to divest. By asking five key questions, a business owner
U.S. and British Law Enforcement Agencies Issue Unprecedented Warning About Chinese Espionage Efforts
Foley & Lardner
While China has denied engaging in espionage efforts as outlined in the joint warning from the U.S. and British law enforcement agencies, it is crucial for businesses to defend against the
Good for Business, Good for the World
Social responsibility is not new to family businesses. However, issues related to sustainability, climate risk, poverty, and uncertainty in many parts of the world are rising in importance. Leaders
Sustaining a Culture of Continuous Transformation in Family Business
Transformation is not a new idea in the world of family businesses, but it has taken on a new meaning in the post-pandemic environment that has challenged the old way of thinking. Recognizing the