Family Governance and Leadership Succession


Wealth Advisor Selection
It has often been said that one of the keys to success is surrounding yourself with smart, talented people who have your best interests in mind. But, how do you find those people and how do you
Engaging the Client of the Future
Family Office Exchange
Today’s young adult family clients – specifically those who identify as Millennials or Gen Y – are bringing a distinct set of preferences and sensibilities to their relationships
Preparing the Next Generation for Your Family Wealth Journey
There is a great deal of focus on preparing the next generation, however often misguided on how to do this.  In this webinar, attendees will learn:The important questions that must be answered
Talent Development: Building Extraordinary Family Leaders
Developing great family leaders is a process, not an event. Leadership success is often measured by knowledge, skills and abilities coming together at critical times. This webinar will explore the
Raised Healthy, Wealthy & Wise
One of the most frequent “keep you awake at night” questions for wealth owners is how to raise responsible, motivated and independent next generation children? In this provocative webinar, Coventry
Building a Board for Your Private Trust Company
One of the benefits of forming a regulated Private Family Trust Company is that it formalizes family governance.   At the center of the Private Family Trust Company governance is the Board of
Administering the Private Trust Company: Key Issues to Consider
Join us for a look at the keys to successfully administering a private trust company (PTC).  Chuck Schultz, national partner of McGladrey’s Estate and Gift Practice, will offer insights
Becoming ONE…Navigating the Complexities of the Blended Family
Fostering effective communication and gaining consensus in the family governance and estate planning/execution is never an easy task.  Whenever the complexities of a blended family are
Strangers in Paradise: How Families Adapt to Wealth Across Generations
The vast majority of the wealthy actually come from middle-class or working-class backgrounds. When they find themselves in the wonderful but unfamiliar world of wealth like immigrants to a new land
Money and the Next Generation: How Thought Leader Families Raise Financially Fit Kids
While every family is critically concerned about the well-being of their financial assets; the well being of their human capital—the future of their children and the health of the family--is