Few problems are as vexing and seemingly impossible to resolve for families, advisors and trustees as the active alcoholic or addict, particularly those who continue to use after treatment. While low
There is a great deal of focus on preparing the next generation, however often misguided on how to do this. In this webinar, attendees will learn:The important questions that must be answered
One of the most frequent “keep you awake at night” questions for wealth owners is how to raise responsible, motivated and independent next generation children? In this provocative webinar, Coventry
Given the statistical likelihood that many FOX participants are related to or work with someone with a behavioral health issue, this webinar broaches a difficult but real topic that is encountered by
Fostering effective communication and gaining consensus in the family governance and estate planning/execution is never an easy task. Whenever the complexities of a blended family are
The vast majority of the wealthy actually come from middle-class or working-class backgrounds. When they find themselves in the wonderful but unfamiliar world of wealth like immigrants to a new land
While every family is critically concerned about the well-being of their financial assets; the well being of their human capital—the future of their children and the health of the family--is
Wealth brings vast opportunities to families, but also vast challenges. Families wish to motivate children with wealth and to foster independence vs. dependence, but often families are faced with
To be successful, the family office and the family itself must be aligned in their objectives with clear definition of roles for each. Join us for this webinar as we define roles and
Where would we be without such remarkable and brilliant entrepreneurs like Benjamin Franklin, Henry Ford, and Steve Jobs? Many wealthy families promote, foster and achieve the cultivation of