Selecting the right investment vehicle often receives less attention than the other more known investment principles such as the value of diversification. Broadly speaking, investors can access four
Protect your organization against cybersecurity. Be cyber smart and learn more about combatting ransomware in the time of COVID-19, how cybersecurity continues to be a top issue for retirement plans
As an uncertain business environment persists, board directors face multiple obstacles: new regulatory changes, issues related to globalization and digital acceleration, the rise of environmental,
In this podcast, two industry experts discuss how boards’ oversight of data governance within their organizations is changing to meet the opportunities and risk in the rapidly evolving digital
Board oversight is critical in the management of cybersecurity as a whole, but especially for ransomware, since the increase in attacks year-over-year is up as much as 715% according to a study by
Choosing the right technology among so many choices is hard. Deciding which technology to adopt and how to best use it are challenges for leaders, especially in a time of rapid change. The focus has
The 2021 State of the Family Office Industry benchmarking report is the next iteration in FOX’s ongoing research into Family Offices. The FOX Family Office study is intended to empower family
When there's a pandemic and the business landscape is no longer business-as-usual, you may wonder how best to proceed—how to keep going and find ways to not just survive but
Join host Damien Martin in his ongoing quest for insights and best practices for affluent families and their advisors as he sits down with guest Jeff Davidson to unpack the often mystifying and
If passed, proposed legislation H.R. 4620 would change the definition used by the SEC for the Family Office Exemption resulting in some Family Offices no longer qualifying for the exemption. Also,