While no one really knows what the future will bring, global research data can provide a perspective on what may become reality. Kirby Rosplock, Ph.D., author of The Complete Family Office Handbook,
This is featured programming for the FOX Private Family Trust Company Network. This program provides an exclusive and unprecedented “behind the scenes” look at the new and innovative trust and
Tom Abendroth and Jim Steffel joined us to review 2015 estate planning. They guided FOX participants through the most significant legislative, regulatory and case law developments that were covered
Today’s young adult family clients – specifically those who identify as Millennials or Gen Y – are bringing a distinct set of preferences and sensibilities to their relationships
When most people are asked why they work, the quick response is often, “For the money, of course!” While the natural inclination is to place emphasis on financial remuneration, the cash component of
Family Office Exchange has conducted a peer-based survey to explore the total cost of wealth management – internal family office costs + external advisory costs + external investment costs and
From governance concerns to family office costs, this report is designed to help family office executives and board members evaluate the office’s performance relative to 116 family office peers
Developing great family leaders is a process, not an event. Leadership success is often measured by knowledge, skills and abilities coming together at critical times. This webinar will explore the
One of the benefits of forming a regulated Private Family Trust Company is that it formalizes family governance. At the center of the Private Family Trust Company governance is the Board of
Given the statistical likelihood that many FOX participants are related to or work with someone with a behavioral health issue, this webinar broaches a difficult but real topic that is encountered by