The Family System: New Approaches to Leadership in the Family Business


Collaboration is necessary to both business and family success in the 21st century. Yet many families find it difficult to develop a collaborative culture - and collaborative leadership - when their family has traditionally been organized around the directives of a founding patriarch or matriarch.

Business-owning families in particular may struggle with these kinds of paradigm shifts. New leadership skills are required to help family members make decisions, while simultaneously managing their emotional responses to the stress of change.

This program provides participants with new understandings about the nature of leadership today. Grounded in family systems theory, discussion focuses on the nature of collaborative leadership, the challenges that arise during the collaboration process, and strategies that leaders can use to acknowledge and address these challenges. 

Date Published: Wednesday, June 25, 2008

This webinar recording is available to FOX members and is available for purchase by FOX Public Network Guests.