FOX Insights: New Thinking in Family Wealth

May 2012

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FOX Insights contains condensed versions of some of the best and most popular research and presentations offered by FOX during the past year. If you can only afford to read one FOX publication this year, FOX Insights is an excellent choice.

This publication draws from proprietary research including The Cost of Complexity, the FOX Investment Survey, the FOX Global Benchmarking Survey, and Innovating to Survive and Thrive. It presents key learnings from FOX member educational programs, such as webinars and forums, as well as insights surfaced at FOX council network gatherings. It also showcases some of the best knowledge from the FOX advisor community on essential topics such as regulatory issues and estate planning concerns. 
In addition to summarizing key insights and issues, this publication also includes discussion guides and other tools, and maps to additional resources on each topic in case you need to dive deeper.
FOX Insights is divided into the following main sections:
  1. Wealth Owner Attitudes and Behaviors
  2. Family Office Sustainability
  3. Making the Case for Intentional Enterprise Planning
  4. Investment Strategies for Volatile Times
  5. Preparing for the New Regulatory Reality
After reading this you will:
  • Understand the key points from industry leading FOX research on topics of greatest interest to family office clients
  • Have tools to engage clients in deeper and more frequent conversations about key issues such as office costs, sustainability, and enterprise strategic planning
  • Know where to go to find additional resources on all of these topics

View Table of Contents

This document is available to FOX Members only.