Global Foresight: First Quarter 2014


In the first quarter 2014 issue of Global Foresight, Rockefeller & Co. provides comprehensive analysis and valuable insight for what investors can expect this year. This publication contains the following articles:

  • 2014 Outlook by David Harris, CFA, Chief Investment Officer; Topic: Have equity markets gotten ahead of themselves? Views on 2014.
  • It Was a Very Good Year; How Do You Keep the Music Playing? by Jimmy Chang, CFA, Chief Equity Strategist; Topic: P/E expansion drove equity returns in 2013; 2014 needs to see growth acceleration.
  • Where Have All the World Powers Gone? by Reuben Jeffery III, Chief Executive Officer; Topic: An examination of current and expected geopolitical risks and how these might influence investor decisions.
  • Down But Not Out by Brian C. McNamara, CFA, Equity Analyst; Topic: Low end consumption poised for a bounce back year.
  • 2014: Noisy Interest Rates, Quiet Inflation by Matthew D. Gelfand, PH.D., CFA, CFP®, Managing Director, Senior Investment Advisor and Senior Economist; Topic: An analysis of current and projected interest rates and the impact on overall asset allocation advice.

This content is available to FOX Members only.