How Saying 'No' Helps Advance Your Philanthropic Mission


Many ultra wealthy families experience a steady flow of incoming donation requests – from friends, other family members, colleagues, even strangers – and saying “no” can be difficult. But just because you can afford to say “yes” doesn’t mean you should.

Defining your philanthropic mission and associated giving parameters (which includes saying “no” to some organizations), allows you to say “yes” to more opportunities that are in line with your goals – resulting in more deliberate, targeted philanthropic impact.

In this session, Susan Colpitts of Signature Family Wealth shared her thoughts on the subject after working with families for nearly three decades. We also outlined best practices, shared real examples, and left you with tangible takeaways to help you make gifts that are as meaningful as they can be.

Date Published: Wednesday, April 17, 2019

This webinar recording is available to FOX members and is available for purchase by FOX Public Network Guests.