This series of short, educational videos provides an overview of the core elements of investing and some of the asset classes most commonly used in portfolio construction. Download the full presentation deck and explore the educational modules on the topics of interest that include:
- Setting an Investment Policy and Principles of Portfolio Construction
- Introduction to Public Investments: Public Equities, Bonds, and Diversifiers (Hedge Funds)
- Introduction to Private Investments: Private Investment Lingo and Lifecycles, Venture Capital, Growth Equity, Buyouts, Private Credit, and Real Estate
- Glossary of Investment Terms
Watch and learn from the 9 short videos:
- Introduction to Investing (15 minutes)
- Introduction to Equities and Bonds (8 minutes)
- Introduction to Diversifiers (5 minutes)
- Introduction to Private Investments (2 minutes)
- Introduction to Venture Capital (7 minutes)
- Introduction to Growth Equity (7 minutes)
- Introduction to Buyouts (6 minutes)
- Introduction to Private Credit (7 minutes)
- Introduction to Real Estate (12 minutes)