Join us for a look at the keys to successfully administering a private trust company (PTC). Chuck Schultz, national partner of McGladrey’s Estate and Gift Practice, will offer insights
Fostering effective communication and gaining consensus in the family governance and estate planning/execution is never an easy task. Whenever the complexities of a blended family are
In today’s post-ATRA world, planners are seeking insight on challenges and opportunities in this new environment. Tom Abendroth and Jim Steffel will guide FOX participants through the most
This article by Sara Hamilton, Mariann Mihailidis and Teresa Bellock outlines the steps that can be taken to ensure all parties involved in a trust (grantors, trustees, beneficiaries and related
We are entering the third consecutive year in which estate and gift tax laws are in a state of significant flux. In addition, a new tax on investment income will go into effect as well as other
Many of you know, the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 was quickly passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama. What you may not know are the implications of those changes and
While art can imbue an otherworldly experience, there are real world issues to be addressed when collecting art to ensure its protection and survival for future generations. Join this webinar
Creating a Private Family Trust Company (PFTC) may be the perfect solution for a family who values flexibility and control or family office looking to comply with the SEC regulations. View this
Participate in this year’s estate planning update. This webinar is one of the most highly attended programs every year. Our speaker will share insights on recent legislative and regulatory
Thanks to the Tax Relief Act of 2011, the gift tax exemption amount has increased from $1 million to $5 million. Participate in this webinar and learn about several legal and insurance planning