All times listed are in U.S. Central Time.
Family members in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, who are looking to make connections with peers facing the same challenges within their family's enterprise should attend these in-person events and programming. |
The Direct Investing Network Dinner is open to family members and family office executives. |
6:00 pm |
Rising Gen Dinner at the Game Room Join us at this casual event with your fellow Rising Gen attendees for mingling, cocktails, and dinner at the Game Room inside of the Chicago Athletic Association Hotel.
Chicago Athletic Association Hotel: Game Room 12 S. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60603
7:00 pm |
Direct Investing Network Dinner at Ocean Prime Please join us for a dinner with private investors, focused on bringing together families with an active interest in direct investing. Meet other like-minded investors and engage in meaningful dialogue around deal flow and related topics.
Ocean Prime 87 East Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60601
All times listed are in U.S. Central Time. |
Family members in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, who are looking to make connections with peers facing the same challenges within their family's enterprise should attend these in-person events and programming. |
Family office executives and family members with an interest in philanthropy are encouraged to attend this in-person program. FOX Thought Leaders Council Members are also welcome to join.
8:30 am |
Registration Opens for Rising Gen Attendees |
Join us for the Family Philanthropy Program at the Family Forum, featuring topical discussions on philanthropic purpose, impact, and measuring success. During this in-person only program, you can expect a look at the state of family philanthropy, to explore the tie between social impact and the family office, and learn to navigate the road to success in family philanthropy. |
9:00 am |
Breakfast, Welcome, and Warm up Activity
Heather Asher Abramson, Director, Relationship Manager, FOX Mindy Kalinowski Earley, Chief Learning Officer, FOX
Agenda highlights include hearing from Nick Tedesco, President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Center for Family Philanthropy and a Community Showcase spotlighting leaders creating local – and lasting – impact. |
9:15 am |
Skepticism and Commitment to Impact Investing at Family Offices Join us for an overview of the current state of investing for impact from Kristi Kuechler, Senior Director, The ImPact. Learn how many investors are adding the third dimension of impact to concerns of risk and return. Prepare to recognize many of the frictions inherent in the space and how they relate to the rising gen. Hear how some of the most forwardlooking families around the world are aligning their values with their capital when constructing their portfolios.
Kristi Kuechler, Senior Director, The ImPact
Moderated by Heather Asher Abramson, Director, Relationship Manager, FOX
CPE credits for this session referenced below in 'problem-solving' breakouts.
8:00 am 8:30 am
9:10 am
Registration, Networking, Light Breakfast
The State of Philanthropy Join a conversation between FOX and the National Center for Family Philanthropy on the current state of family philanthropy. Explore key trends influencing how philanthropic families approach giving and NCFP’s four principles of effective family philanthropy.
Nick Tedesco, President and Chief Executive Officer, National Center for Family Philanthropy
Moderated by Peter Moustakerski, CEO, FOX
Philanthropic Purpose, Social Impact, and the Family Office What does philanthropy look like in, around, and through the family office? How can office executives – and family members – improve and increase communication in aid of philanthropic purpose and achieving social impact? Panelists will explore these topics, along with the challenges and benefits a family office can bring.
Miki Akimoto, Chief Impact Officer, National Center for Family Philanthropy Laura Coy, Head of Philanthropy Strategy and ESG Integration, William Blair & Company Lauren MacDonald, CEO, William Harris Investors
10:00 am |
"Friction Points": Problem-Solving Breakouts In these breakouts we will discuss different methods of approaching conversations with your families “head-on” while facing these relevant friction points. We will examine three barriers the rising gen might encounter around family alignment, around the family office, and around outside advisors.
Kristi Kuechler, Senior Director, The ImPact
Moderated by Heather Asher Abramson, Director, Relationship Manager, FOX
1.25 CPE | Specialized Knowledge
10:10 am
The Road to Success: Part 1 In the realm of family philanthropy, what does success look like, and how do you manage failures along the way? Learn about approaches to define success, measure it effectively, and navigate failures to build a culture of learning.
Hilary Leav, Vice President | Associate Director, Philanthropic Advisory Services |
10:30 am |
10: 30 am |
Break |
10:45 am |
Delving into the Data: Bringing the Rising Gen Study to Life In April of 2023, FOX released the Rising Gen Research Brief, the findings from rising gen focus groups and a survey, conducted in 2022. Hear from a panel of rising gen members as they respond to the results from the rising gen study, providing insight into their lived experiences. Learn from the struggles and success of your peers as they talk about top challenges, goals and how they have worked in their families and with their offices to turn challenges into opportunities.
Marissa L. Evans, Owner, Marissa L. Evans Coaching + Consulting Caleb B. Jackson, CFA, Director of Capital Markets, Ambrose Property Group Chad R. Nicholson, First Assistant Director & Producer, G5 Investment Committee Member of the Nicholson Family Office Victoria C. Onufrieff, Andrew Family Foundation Junior Board President, Partnerships Specialist at Habitat for Humanity Chicago
Moderated by Mindy Kalinowski Earley, Chief Learning Officer, FOX
CPE credits for this session referenced below in 'breakout discussions'.
10:45 am
11:15 am
Community Showcase The first inaugural Community Showcase will spotlight local leaders creating local – and lasting – impact. Drawing from family philanthropy and beyond, learn about new and innovative ways organizations are meeting community needs.
Bradford Ballast, Chief Operating Officer, Lever for Change Kristin Carlson Vogen, Senior Director of Philanthropic Services, Chicago Community Trust Marty Castro, President and CEO, Casa Central Harvey Newcomb, Director of Principal Gifts, Rotary Foundation Christen Wiggins, Program Director, We Rise Together: For an Equitable and Just Recovery, Chicago Community Trust
The Road to Success: Part 2 Panelists and community showcase leaders will offer perspectives, experiences, and failures stories to help participants begin to conceptualize – or advance – their own journey in philanthropy.
Hilary Leav, Vice President | Associate Director, Philanthropic Advisory Services |
11:30 am |
Challenges Facing the Rising Gen: Breakout Discussions Each breakout will focus on a top rising gen challenge and create a space where attendees gather by the challenge they want to address most. The roundtables will be an opportunity to discuss current issues or share how you or your family have addressed that challenge for a positive family outcome.
1.25 CPE | Specialized Knowledge
12:00 pm |
10:00 am |
Registration Opens for Forum Attendees |
11:00 am |
Optional First time Attendee Session Open to Family Members, Family Office Executives, and FOX Thought Leaders Council Members.
Join other Family Forum attendees and discover how you can make the most of your Family Forum experience. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet, mingle, and kick off the forum with fellow members new to the FOX community.
Scott Muench, Managing Director, Core Membership, FOX Jeff Strese, Family Learning and Leadership Consultant, FOX
CPE credits are not offered for this session.
Oct. 23 is reserved for Family Members, Family Office Executives, and FOX Thought Leaders Council Members. |
12:15 pm |
Family Forum Welcome Lunch |
1:15 pm |
Welcome to the Forum
Peter Moustakerski, CEO, FOX
1:30 pm |
Wealth as Well-Being: Fireside Chat with Jay Hughes Over the past 30 years, families have worked hard and invested enormous resources to create the plans and structures that promise to carry the family into the future and ensure its long-term success. The vast majority of these investments have focused on the quantitative disciplines that serve the family’s financial capital – the collective disciplines that today we call “wealth management”. As the future generation steps into the picture, the key question is: “Will the family live and flourish in the plan?” The answer, according to Jay Hughes, depends entirely on whether and how well the family invests in and nurtures its qualitative capitals: spiritual, social, intellectual, and most importantly, human. A conversation with Jay Hughes about the state of well-being of families and their enterprises.
James (Jay) E. Hughes Jr., Author of Family Wealth: Keeping it in the Family, and of Family - The Compact Among Generations Peter Moustakerski, CEO, FOX
1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge
2:30 pm |
Networking Break |
3:00 pm |
Family Breakout Sessions Choose one:
Navigating Financial Readiness for the Rising Gen Whether it’s a conversation about money, the role of the beneficiary, what it means to be wealthy, or clarifying values and purpose, families often delay important discussions with kids out of fear, or the rationale they are not ready. Like so many things in life, helping children develop readiness is how we prepare them for the future. With early education and age-appropriate learning they get a head start that allows them to incrementally adapt to their unique future, with abundant resources and options. Join Joline Godfrey, educator and industry expert, and FOX’s Mindy Kalinowski Earley, Chief Learning Officer, in this deep dive of Joline’s new venture Bounce10 – offering innovative resources, wisdom, and guidance to turn a necessary topic into an engaging family adventure.
Joline Godfrey, Founder and Chief Content Officer, Bounce10, LLC
Moderated by Mindy Kalinowski Earley, Chief Learning Officer, FOX
1.25 CPE | Specialized Knowledge
Andrew Family Story of Spousal Integration and Inclusion Often families struggle with effective ways to engage their rising gen and prepare for newcomers to join the family via marriage. Concerns of preserving family traditions, legal rights, and governance are imminent when a spouse enters a new household.
Join us for this exciting opportunity to learn firsthand of a spousal integration and family engagement survey created by their very own rising gen and spouse married into the family, Marissa. Panelists will discuss the process around creation and design of the survey tailored to their 13+ G3’s, what they learned from the responses, and how it impacted the spousal integration within their own family.
Laurel Andrew, Vice President & Senior Trust Officer, Andrew Trust Company, and Treasurer of the Andrew Family Foundation Marissa L. Evans, Owner, Marissa L. Evans Coaching + Consulting Kathi Willett, Chair of the Family Education and Communication Committee, & Family Liaison to RG Committee, Andrew Trust Company
Moderated by Heather Asher Abramson, Director, Relationship Manager, FOX
1.25 CPE | Specialized Knowledge
- Cultivating Transformational Human Capital
FOX has identified the cultivation of Human Capital as a key element of multi-generational success for business-owning families and other Family Offices that are focused on continuity, succession, and continual growth of family assets. The Frisbie Group in Palm Beach was originally founded by three brothers investing in a single rental property in Boston, Massachusetts while in college. It has since grown to involve nearly a dozen family members working side by side with external employees to focus on transformational residential and community development projects. Join us for a chat with family member and Managing Director of Investments, Cody Crowell, who will walk through some of the key learnings and best practices for cultivating human capital internally while cohesively working with numerous siblings on complex and long-term projects that require specialized skills. He will share the story of how Gen 2 has helped drive the family business to new heights and grown their vision for the future of Frisbie Group while seeking to preserve the family values that started with that first family investment.
Cody Crowell, Principal, Frisbie Group
Moderated by Nate Hamilton, Vice Chair, FOX
1.25 CPE | Specialized Knowledge
4:15 pm |
Networking Break |
4:30 pm |
Engaged Healthy, Wealthy & Wise: Lessons from Inheritors and their Significant Others When a young inheritor announces that they have met “the one,” the wheels of the wealthadvising industry whir into motion, with families and advisors discussing prenups, onboarding, and whether to include the new partner in family wealth discussions. But amid all of this, there is a young couple in love. How do we nurture this new union and foster relationships across the family instead of getting caught up in transactional work? What best practices should we reexamine in order to truly serve the well-being of all family members and allow space for couple-defined individuation? Covie will share with us the key insights she gleaned from two years of interviews with inheritors and their partners for her recently published book Engaged Healthy, Wealthy & Wise and how she has changed her approach to our work as a result.
Coventry Edwards-Pitt, CFA CFP®, Partner, Chief Creative Officer, Ballentine Partners
Moderated by Mindy Kalinowski Earley, Chief Learning Officer, FOX
1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge
5:30 pm |
Family Members and Family Office Executives Reception, Hosted by the FOX Thought Leaders Council |
7:00 pm |
Reception Concludes |
All times listed are in U.S. Central Time. |
Open to all FOX Members. |
8:00 am |
Registration Opens |
8:00 am |
Breakfast and Exhibits
8:15 am |
Breakfast Technology Demonstrations Join our participating technology providers for demonstrations of their products and services. A grab-and-go breakfast option will be available to take to the Technology Demonstrations. |
9:00 am |
David Toth, President of Membership, FOX
9:10 am |
Industry Founders Panel: The Evolution of Family Wealth, Part 1 For nearly 40 years, the pioneers of the family wealth profession have been working with family leaders and family office executives to help their families manage and grow their enterprises, strengthen their family systems and well-being, and deliver a positive impact on their communities and the world. For the first time ever, FOX will gather on the same stage the five most prominent and iconic founders of the family wealth field. Panelists will reflect on the journey of the past four decades, share their vision of the future, and offer their wisdom and advice for the rising generation leaders who will steer their families and their enterprises into the decades to come.
James (Jay) E. Hughes Jr., Author of Family Wealth: Keeping it in the Family, and of Family - The Compact Among Generations Sara Hamilton, Founder and Board Chair, FOX Dennis T. Jaffe, Senior Research Fellow, BanyanGlobal Family Business Advisors Ellen Perry, Founder and Managing Partner, Wealthbridge Partners, LLC John A. Warnick, Esq., Founder, Purposeful Planning Institute
Moderated by Peter Moustakerski, CEO, FOX
CPE credits referenced below for this session in Founders' Panel Part 2
10:00 am |
Networking Break |
10:15 am |
Industry Founders Panel: The Evolution of Family Wealth, Part 2 Please join us for a continuation of our conversation with the Industry Founders panel.
James (Jay) E. Hughes Jr., Author of Family Wealth: Keeping it in the Family, and of Family - The Compact Among Generations Sara Hamilton, Founder and Board Chair, FOX Dennis Jaffe, Senior Research Fellow, BanyanGlobal Family Business Advisors Ellen Perry, Founder and Managing Partner, Wealthbridge Partners, LLC John A. Warnick, Esq., Founder, Purposeful Planning Institute
Moderated by Peter Moustakerski, CEO, FOX
1.25 CPE | Specialized Knowledge
11:00 am |
PROXIMITY: How All Industries Will Transform - and How to Win Professor Wolcott will preview his new book, PROXIMITY, forthcoming from Columbia Business School Publishing March 2024. While everyone witnesses the dramatic changes underway as a result of digitally-enabled technologies from Generative AI and data analytics to rooftop solar and additive manufacturing, few have noted one common force they all exert across industries. Digital technologies push the production and provision of value ever closer to the moment of actual demand in time and space. Understanding this trend clarifies where industries are heading and suggests priorities for innovation and investment.
For a portion of his session, Dr. Wolcott will be joined by the CEO and founder of one of his portfolio companies, Interstellar Labs. Started by Barbara Belvisi to develop capabilities to grow food in controlled, self-sustaining environments on Mars— they still work actively with NASA and the ESA—the company’s largest customers are now cosmetic and fragrance companies. Proximity in action! Dr. Belvisi will join from Interstellar’s location just outside Paris.
Robert C. Wolcott, Adjunct Professor, Booth & Kellogg, Chair & Founder, TWIN Global Barbara Belvisi, CEO and Founder, Interstellar Labs
1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge
12:00 pm |
Networking Luncheon
1:00 pm |
Amplifying Rising Gen Voices: Translating Challenges into Opportunities In April of 2023, FOX released the Rising Gen Research Brief, the findings from rising gen focus groups, and a survey, conducted in 2022. This session will dive into the data through the lens of our rising gen panelists. We will learn how they experience, work through, and address the rising gen challenges in their lives and families. By discussing common challenges and goals of this segment, we will understand how to better serve this group, and leave with ideas for how other families have turned challenges into opportunities.
Marissa Evans, Owner, Marissa L. Evans Coaching + Consulting Chad R. Nicholson, First Assistant Director & Producer, G5 Investment Committee Member of the Nicholson Family Office Victoria C. Onufrieff, Andrew Family Foundation Junior Board President, Partnerships Specialist at Habitat for Humanity Chicago Mindy Kalinowski Earley, Chief Learning Officer, FOX Allison Lawshe, Learning Center Program Manager, FOX
1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge
2:00 pm |
Family Case Study: The Tsotsorkov Family - Empowering Visionaries Join the Tsotsorkov family’s journey over the decades, from its entrepreneurial roots going back 250 years to its modern-day enterprise. Gen 2 family leader, Dimitar Tsotsorkov, shares the story of, and learnings from, the family’s recent efforts to capture and codify the unique values that have shaped the enterprise family and its ecosystem throughout the centuries. He will also speak to how they defined and articulated the family brand representing its shared identity, and established a family governance structure that empowers and propels the family’s purpose and spirit across its future generations.
Dimitar Tsotsorkov, CEO, Tsotsorkov Family Office Miguel López de Silanes Gómez, Market Leader International, FOX
1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge
2:50 pm |
Break |
3:15 pm |
Peer Dialogues (please select one) The Peer discussions allow attendees to reflect inperson together on what they’ve heard thus far at the forum and discuss insights gained. Attendees can bring specific topics on their mind and use this time to get sought-after questions answered in this unique environment of peers.
Family Members (Open to family members, U.S. and International)
- Gen 1-3
- Heather Asher Abramson, Director, Relationship Manager, FOX
- Sara Hamilton, Founder and Board Chair, FOX
- Gen 3-5+
- Mindy Kalinowski Earley, Chief Learning Officer, FOX
- Jeff Strese, Family Learning & Leadership Consultant, FOX
Family Office Executives (Open to single family office executives, U.S. and International)
- Small Family Offices (1-6 Employees)
- Emma Gross, Associate Relationship Manager, FOX
- Kent Lawson, Chief Technology Officer, FOX
- Medium Family Offices (7-15 Employees)
- Scott Muench, Managing Director, Core Membership, FOX
- Chris Herbert, Senior Relationship Manager, FOX
- Large Family Offices (16+ Employees)
- Gaby Griffin, Managing Director, Council Memberships, FOX
- Miguel López de Silanes Gómez, Market Leader International, FOX
Advisor Strategy and Dialogue Session (open to FOX Thought Leaders Council Members, Multi-Family Office Executives, and other Advisors)
- David Toth, President of Membership, FOX
- Kenneth R. Hoffman, Managing Director and President, Optima Group, Inc.
4:15 pm |
Break |
4:30 pm |
Breakout Sessions: Choose one:
- Crafting a Family Charter to Ensure Family Engagement
This session with the Salgar Family will provide background on the transitions underway in their family and how they used the Family Charter / Constitution to reaffirm the family values, align their goals, and organize their governance process. As part of the move from the first generation to the leadership of Gen 2-3, the family outlined the key components to be included in a charter document, including governance functions and responsibilities and skillsets needed for each role. The family will also describe what the challenges were throughout the process and where they got stuck along the way.
Salgar Family Members: Isabel Salgar, Daniel Posada, Nico Posada, & Andres Posada
Moderated by Sara Hamilton, Founder and Board Chair, FOX
1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge
Maximizing the Strategic Impact of Your Single-Family Office Family offices may take on a variety of roles in service to the family, so it is essential that there is a strategy that helps frame the office’s purpose and an overarching plan to help align and execute against diverse interests. The panel will cover three key areas during this session: 1) Share critical questions to ask and answer when designing or refining a family office’s purpose, 2) Provide examples and stories of how family offices evolved and progressed and, 3) Explore the latest findings from FOX’s Family Office 2023 Study for a fresh look at the state of the family office. Lastly, the panelists will offer best practices that help maximize the value of a family office.
Charles B. Grace III, Managing Director, Family Enterprise Solutions, Cambridge Associates Joshua S. Kanter, Founder, leafplanner, Inc., & President, Chicago Financial, Inc. Miguel López de Silanes Gómez, Market Leader International, FOX
Moderated by David Toth, President of Membership, FOX
1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge
How Does the Family Live in 'The Plan' The fundamental question – “Will the family live in the plan?” – that Jay Hughes, Mary Duke, and Stacy Allred are asking in their latest research and upcoming book offers a cautionary story for both families and their top advisors. Without the appropriate focus on the family’s qualitative capital, and most importantly, their human capital, the plans and structures families have been investing in to preserve and grow their financial capital will likely be rejected by the future generations who were not engaged or consulted when the plans were made. But this cautionary story need not spell doom for the longevity and purpose of the family wealth. This session focuses on the fundamental and practical steps families and their trusted advisers can take to ensure the plans they create will be embraced and carried forward by future generations and that the family’s capital, in all its forms, will flourish for the long run.
James (Jay) E. Hughes Jr., Author of Family Wealth: Keeping it in the Family and of Family - The Compact Among Generations Jeff Strese, Family Learning and Leadership Consultant, FOX
1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge
5:30 pm |
Tuesday Programming Concludes |
7:00 pm |
All Member Dinner at The Chicago Cultural Center Join us at the Chicago Cultural Center’s Preston Bradley Hall for dinner under the spectacular Tiffany Dome.
All times listed are in U.S. Central Time. |
Open to all FOX Members. |
8:00 am |
Registration Opens |
8:00 am |
8:15 am |
Breakfast Technology Demonstrations Join our participating technology providers for demonstrations of their products and services. A grab-and-go breakfast option will be available to take to the Technology Demonstrations. |
9:00 am |
Welcome and Presentation of the Glen W. Johnson Award
9:15 am |
What's on the Minds of FOX Members? The FOX peer community is a vibrant and generous one, and one place where that is abundantly evident is the FOXChat discussion boards and networks, where members ask anything that is of critical importance to their families and their enterprises and receive real-time answers and feedback from their peers and fellow members. FOXCloud, the latest digital feature from FOX, allows members to quickly and efficiently see what their peers are asking about and the answers they are receiving. This session will offer an overview of the key topics that FOX members have raised, asked about, and discussed over the course of 2023.
Peter Moustakerski, CEO, FOX
9:30 am |
Anticipating Change in the Family and the Family Enterprise Families are working hard to juggle the competing demands of family and enterprise. This session explore s a multitude of dynamics coming at both systems simultaneously: generational shifts happening faster and with greater consequence; AI and climate change—both with the potential to alter the human experience; the rise of women’s wealth ownership and its impact in both the family and the enterprise, just to preview a few of the big waves Sara and Joline will tackle.
More importantly they will share new practices, weak signals from the future, and innovations being experimented with now—evidence from their respective private practices of innovations being implemented now by thought leader families paving the way to the future.
Joline Godfrey, Founder and Chief Content Officer, Bounce10, LLC Sara Hamilton, Founder and Board Chair, FOX Jeff Strese, Family Learning and Leadership Consultant, FOX
1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge
10:30 am |
Reimagining the Future with AI: Fireside Chat with Dr. Alex Wissner-Gross The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is creating tremendous uncertainty – and amazing opportunities – for families, business owners, and advisors. Understanding the possibilities AI unlocks and integrating its transformative power into the family’s systems, governance, and businesses has the potential to propel families and their family offices into a new era of speed, efficiency, and virtually infinite knowledge. Join us for this timely and relevant fireside chat with Dr. Alex WissnerGross to discuss the capabilities of this modern phenomenon, and the potential to automate tasks, enhance risk management, supercharge investment management, transform governance, and more.
Dr. Alexander D. Wissner-Gross, Founder and CEO, Reified Nate Hamilton, Vice Chair, FOX
1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge
11:20 am |
11:45 am |
Space Travel That Improves Life on Earth Looking down on planet Earth from space radically shifts one’s perception of our world and our place within it. After witnessing our planet’s thin, brilliant blue line of atmosphere against the stark blackness of space, astronauts return home to engage more deeply in solving our social and environmental challenges. Join us to learn about a new way of travelling to space that enables researchers to readily perform critical climate change science, artists to experience and communicate the transformative experience, and educators to inspire millions of students worldwide. No rockets, no hyper gravity training. Just a carbon neutral SpaceBalloon traveling at a gentle speed of 12 mph and carrying a comfortably furnished, pressurized capsule to space at 100,000 feet above the Earth’s atmosphere and back. A glimpse into the future and an inspiring vision of how tens of thousands of people globally will be able to experience “the overview effect”, discover purpose and meaning, and chart their personal course for positive impact.
Jane Poynter, Founder and Co-CEO, Space Perspective Peter Moustakerski, CEO, FOX
12:45 pm |
Closing Remarks
1:00 pm |
Program Concludes |