2023 FOX Family Office and Wealth Advisor Forum Virtual Agenda

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Virtual Agenda

Monday, July 10, 2023

All times listed in U.S. Central Time
1:30 pm

Welcome to the Forum

Scott Muench, Managing Director, Core Membership, FOX
David Toth, President of Membership, FOX

2:00 pm

Building a Last 8% Culture: Keep Your Best People
With 40-70% of people contemplating leaving their jobs, the challenge of retaining your best and brightest has never been greater. Yet, with many new hires in your organization and the challenges of a hybrid workplace, you are struggling to re-establish one of the most important levers you have to retain your best and brightest: your culture.

In this powerful live keynote address, your managers and leaders will learn the recent study results from our study of 6,500 leaders across many organizations that looked at what kind of culture makes people want to stay and give discretionary effort in the current environment.

Bill Benjamin, Keynote Speaker, Partner, Institute for Health and Human Potential  

Introduced by Scott Muench, Managing Director, Core Membership, FOX

1.25 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

3:15 pm Break
4:00 pm

Cultivating Qualitative Skills for the Family Advisor of the Future
Family advisors often have a strong technical or financial background, but the importance of cultivating communication style, emotional intelligence, coaching skills, trust-building, and similar qualitative skills to serve clients cannot be overstated. Join a panel of peers who will share how they meaningfully engage with family clients and discuss the invaluable impact of continuous qualitative skill development in family advisors' ever-changing environments.

Alexander Hill, Relationship Manager, Maestro
Robert Persons, Director of Advisory Services, Synovus
Justin Thompson, Managing Director, Client Advisory Team, Tolleson Wealth Management

Moderated by Jeff Strese, Family Learning and Leadership Consultant, FOX 

1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

5:00 pm Day 1 Concludes

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

All times listed in U.S. Central Time
9:00 am

Welcome and Exploring Emerging Themes from 2023 FOX Research
Get up to speed on the latest results and relevant themes from FOX's Family Office Benchmarking Survey, Global Investment Survey, and Multi-Family Office Survey. 

Hilary Leav, Director, Insights & Research, FOX 
David Toth, President, Membership, FOX

9:30 am

2023 Regulatory, Trust, Tax, and Estate Planning Update
Don't miss this annual in-depth update. A panel of experts will review recent and potential income tax, trust, and estate planning laws, regulations, and cases to discuss managing key challenges and opportunities in 2023. Discover what to watch out for, what to stop worrying about, and what you should consider doing to protect the clients you serve. In addition, a discussion on the Corporate Transparency Act will be included as we look toward 2024 reporting requirements. 

Meredith Johnson, Partner, BPM
Jason J. Kohout, Partner, Foley & Lardner LLP

Moderated by Scott Muench, Managing Director, Core Membership, FOX

1.25 CPE | Taxes

10:45 am Improving Upon the Employee Experience

As the importance of retaining high-performing employees becomes more apparent in a challenging economy, employers should examine what they are offering to incentivize employees outside of financial compensation. Speakers will share the pros and cons of employee benefits to consider such as hybrid work environments, mental health services, parental leave, nursing mothers' programs, and more. Additionally, company efforts such as DEI and social impact, and developing a consistent culture in the workplace will be addressed. 

Paul Westall, Co-Founder, Agreus
Michelle Jezycki, HR Advisor, Tsotsorkov Family Office 
Ashley Taff, Senior Vice President, HUB International

Moderated by Peter Leo, Director, Human Capital, FOX

1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

11:40 am

Lunch Break

1:00 pm Session to be announced
The most popular breakout session from our in-person agenda will be available for our virtual audience to participate live.
2:00 pm


2:30 pm

Technology in the Family Office 
Join our FOX Chief Technology Officer and a panel of Partner experts for a discussion on new software, future paths of technology, A.I., and technology services for advisors and family office.

Use this opportunity to ask your own questions to a group of experts in the family office technology space.

Kent Lawson, Chief Technology Officer, FOX

1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

3:30 pm Day 2 Concludes

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

All times listed in U.S. Central Time
9:00 am

Mid-Year Market & Investment Check Up: What Family Offices Need to Know to Navigate the Remainder of 2023

As we head into the second half of the year, many questions surrounding the global economy and financial markets remain. Is the US headed for a recession? Will there be secondary effects from divergent Global Central Bank polices? Does the 2024 political cycle matter? And importantly, how should family offices invest capital given the current and future global market dynamics? 

Please join Fiducient Advisors’ Brad Long, CFA, Chief Investment Officer and Adam Newell, CFA, CFP, Director of Family Office Consulting, for their latest mid-year market updates and valuable investment insights.

Bradford L. Long, CFA, Partner, Deputy Chief Investment Officer, Fiducient
Adam Newell, CFA, CFP, Partner, Director of Consulting, The Wealth Office, Fiducient

Moderated by Scott Muench, Managing Director, Core Membership, FOX

1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

9:50 am

The Shared Responsibility of Nurturing the Family Legacy
Families tend to focus on the technical side when planning wealth transfer, including managing their investments and estate planning. However, to build a long-term foundation for success, it's just as critical to strategically prepare the people in a family. Come to this interactive discussion to learn realistic best practices for strengthening the 'people-side' of your Family Office planning, including communication, education, and preparation- for future roles.

Heather Winslow-Walker, UHNW Senior Family Legacy Strategist, Vanguard 

Moderated by Mindy Kalinowski Earley, Chief Learning Officer, FOX   

1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

10:50 am Break
11:00 am

New Balance: The Inflection Point Facing Family Wealth

For the past 3 decades, the private wealth industry has been heavily focused on and dominated by highly technical disciplines, such as investment management, tax and accounting, and trust and estate planning, with solutions primarily serving the financial capital of enterprise families and the vision of prior generations. The qualitative needs and wellbeing of future generations of human beings intended to benefit from these expert solutions have rarely been a focus of industry experts and practitioners. Today, the private wealth field is at a turning point, as the next generation of family leaders, family office professionals, and family wealth advisors face existential questions about the meaning wealth, the purpose of the family office, and the definition of multigenerational success for the family – with qualitative objectives, such as happiness, personal fulfillment, and family unity, rising to prominence within industry conversations and propelling human capital to the top of the family agenda.

Peter Moustakerski, CEO, FOX

1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

12:00 pm Closing remarks and Forum Adjourns