2023 FOX Private Trust Company Workshop

The Private Trust Company (PTC) has endured the test of time as a robust structure for achieving the multi-generational goals of wealth preservation, stewardship, and upholding flourishing families. This program is essential for families currently forming or considering a PTC and insightful to family members and qualified trustees hoping to better understand their PTC structure. This workshop brings together leading experts and PTC executives to share their experience and insight about the PTC’s special role in the family enterprise.

Attendees can choose a program curated to their current situation: 

  • Day one concentrates on fundamental questions for families and their advisory team exploring or currently forming a PTC.  
  • Day two involves more qualitative questions and best practices and is appropriate for anyone with an interest in PTCs at any level of experience.
  • Day three reviews more advanced topics for those who have experience who are looking to take an established PTC to the next level.

    Who should attend:

    • Days one and two are appropriate for families and their advisory team exploring or currently forming a PTC.
    • Days two and three are appropriate for those with established PTCs who are interested in taking their trust company to the next level.
    • Those interested in a refresher and in exploring more complex topics will want to attend all three days.

    Attendee Quotes

    “If you are thinking about setting up a Private Trust Company, I highly recommend that you attend this workshop first to make sure you understand what you are committing to.”

    “The content, quality of speakers, and quality of peers is excellent."

    Online registration for this event is now closed. If you would like to register, please contact us at events@familyoffice.com.


    PTC Network Sponsor

    • About
    • Agenda
    • Speakers
    • FAQs

    Attendees will learn the following:

    • Why families form a PTC
    • The role of the PTC in supporting the family enterprise
    • What differentiates the PTC structure from other trust and regulated structures
    • Considerations regarding charter states and whether or not to be registered
    • Options and best practices related to structure, ownership, governance and operations
    • Opportunities to create healthy trustee and beneficiary relationships
    • How to identify and mitigate tax and regulatory risks in operation of the PTC
    • Cutting edge techniques and future trends for the PTC
    • Lessons learned from seasoned PTC executives and experts


      FOX Members   Non-Members
      Days 1 & 2
    Jan. 24-25
    Days 2 & 3
    Jan. 25-26

    All 3 Days
    Jan 24-26

      Days 1 & 2
    Jan. 24-25
    Days 2 & 3
    Jan. 25-26
    All 3 Days
    Jan 24-26
    Individual Attendees $1,400 $1,400 $2,000   $1,750 $1,750 $2,500
    *Multiple Attendees $1,250 $1,250 $1,800   $1,575 $1,575 $2,250
    *From the same family/firm


    Session Replay Access: Workshop session replays will be available to attendees in the FOX event portal and app for 90 days.

    REGISTRATION: The Private Trust Company Workshop is open to family members, PTC board members, and family office and PTC executives. FOX also allows qualified prospective members who are developing, operating, or considering a PTC. For the privacy of our families and family offices, advisors are not invited to register, unless as a guest accompanying a family or family office. To have an advisor join your family or family office at the workshop, please email us at events@familyoffice.com. All registrations subject to approval by FOX.

    REFUND POLICY: To ensure the most flexibility for our members and guests, refunds of registration fees will be granted up to the event start date, so long as we are notified in writing at events@familyoffice.comFor more information regarding administrative policies please contact FOX office at: 312.327.1200.

    Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge - Up to 11 CPE credits can be earned by attending this event. CPE credits are accepted at the option of state certifying boards. Requirements, compliance procedures and acceptance may vary by state.

    Program Level: Overview | No prerequisites are required for any of the sessions. | Delivery Method: Group Internet Based

    Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to make informed decisions about developing a private trust company for a family enterprise. Program objectives include: Learn how to satisfy trustee requirements, how to choose the proper charter state for a PTC, how to govern the PTC with boards and directors, how to develop the PTC into an operating trust company and how to understand the approval, supervision and examination of PTCs. 

    Family Office Exchange is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.NASBARegistry.org.


    Tuesday, January 24, 2023

    All times listed are in US Central Time
    10:00 am Welcome to the Workshop
    10:10 am

    Introduction to the Private Trust Company
    As the family enterprise evolves over time, eventually, many families will consider the question of whether to form a private trust company (PTC). The PTC can be quite useful to many families, providing unique benefits and capabilities, but also comes with its own special concerns requiring careful consideration.

    Attendees will learn:

    • What a private trust company is and who might benefit from creating one 
    • The various purposes, advantages, and roles that a PTC can add to support the enterprise
    • Major considerations to keep in mind throughout the exploration and planning process

    Scott Winget, Enterprise Market Leader, FOX

    CPE is not offered for this session.

    10:40 am

    Fundamental Decisions: Charter State? Registered or Unregistered?
    After deciding to form a PTC, two important decisions are in choosing the best home state for the family to help achieve its vision and whether to operate as a registered or unregistered trust company. Both questions require a balancing act, weighing various state-specific factors against the family’s goals and values.

    Attendees will learn:

    • Which states support PTCs
    • Important factors to consider when evaluating a particular state
    • Advantages, responsibilities, and disadvantages of registration

    Domingo P. Such III, Partner, Firmwide Chair, Family Office Services Practice, Perkins Coie LLP

    1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

    11:30 am Break
    11:40 am

    Structuring and Governing the PTC: Owners and Boards
    Once a family has decided to develop a PTC and establish its role, it needs to consider how to structure and manage the entity.

    Attendees will learn:

    • How to identify a proper ownership structure 
    • How to design the board composition 
    • How to select officer positions
    • How to construct and implement committees

    Robert R. Galloway, Partner, Leader of Private Wealth Team, BakerHostetler  

    1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

    12:30 pm Lunch Break
    1:30 pm

    Approval, Supervision, and Examination of PTCs
    Working on the PTC with state regulators needn’t be worrisome, but it’s wise to know what to expect during the entire process, from initial approval through supervision and examination.

    Attendees will learn:

    • The process of charter application approval 
    • How to prepare for an examination
    • What the examination process looks like 
    • Post-examination responsibilities 

    Matt Tobin, COO, Managing Director, Legal Counsel, South Dakota Trust Company LLC

    1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

    2:20 pm

    Participants will join small breakout groups to discuss what they learned from the day, share their situations, and ask questions.

    3:10 pm Day 1 Adjourns

    Wednesday, January 25, 2023

    10:00 am Opening Remarks and Recap of Day 1
    10:10 am

    Fiduciary Responsibilities, Powers and Capabilities
    Any trustee takes on significant fiduciary powers, responsibilities, duties, and potential liabilities. The PTC can uniquely address these responsibilities and has other inherent capabilities that allow it to meet many other needs and goals of the family.

    Attendees will learn:

    • Responsibilities of every trustee
    • How a PTC is well-suited to effectively meet all traditional fiduciary responsibilities
    • How a PTC can achieve other needs and goals of the family in ways that a traditional trustee often cannot

    Aaron Flinn, Partner, Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis

    1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

    11:00 am

    Good Governance Practices
    Good governance requires more than a set of documents and structures. It requires intentional and deliberate practices to ensure that the PTC operates effectively on behalf of all stakeholders. A panel of PTC executives and directors will discuss lessons learned and best practices implemented in overseeing and managing their trust companies.

    Attendees will learn:

    • Best practices in balancing the interests of all stakeholders in the PTC
    • Considerations and cautions in management and oversight
    • Lessons learned from years of practice and implementation

    Ben Francois, Partner, BanyanGlobal Family Business Advisors 
    Susie Roh, President, Wind River Trust Company
    Scott Peppet, President, Chai Trust Company, LLC 
    Gillian Nagler, Vice President - Trust Services, Briar Hall LLC

    1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

    11:50 am Lunch Break
    12:50 pm

    Positive Beneficiary Relationships
    The PTC has an opportunity to build positive, long-lasting, and beneficial relationships with the beneficiary that can significantly improve the impact of a family’s long-term wealth preservation plan. Trusts are relationships dependent on attention, communication, and expectation-management by both the trustee and beneficiary.

    Attendees will learn:

    • Practices in creating positive relationships that serve the family’s long-term goals
    • Techniques for developing successful and empowered beneficiaries
    • How the PTC, its committees and beneficiaries can all participate in the process

    David R. York, Managing Partner, York and Howell
    Jeff Strese, Family Learning and Leadership Consultant, FOX

    1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

    1:40 pm Break
    1:50 pm

    Leading Practices:  Operations and Administration
    At a minimum, a PTC must adhere to applicable state laws and its operating documents. But truly effective PTCs plan proactively and strategically to integrate compliance, operations, and administration to optimize outcomes for families.

    Attendees will learn:

    • Basic administrative procedures necessary to meet minimum standards
    • What to watch to mitigate risk and maximize opportunity
    • Techniques used by successful families in operating at a higher level

    Scott D. Weaver, General Counsel & Chief Fiduciary Officer, Willow Street

    1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

    2:40 pm Breakouts
    Participants will join small breakout groups to discuss what they learned from the day, share their situations, and ask questions.
    3:10 pm Day 2 Adjourns

    Thursday, January 26, 2023

    10:00 am Opening Remarks and Recap of Day 2
    10:10 am

    Interstate Activity:  What to Watch
    Families and their wealth are complicated and diverse.  Individuals, assets and activities across state lines can create complications with tax and regulatory implications that need to be monitored and considered.  Paying close attention while creating and following prudent practices can help to reduce risks.

    Attendees will learn:

    • How state laws vary in their treatment of trusts, beneficiaries and trustees with certain connections to the state
    • Activities that create the greatest risk to trusts, beneficiaries and families
    • Practices and procedures that can mitigate tax and regulatory risks

    Matt Tobin, COO, Managing Director, Legal Counsel, South Dakota Trust Company LLC

    1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

    11:00 am

    The Future of the Private Trust Company
    PTCs have been evolving over time, as the industry and states react to protect trusts and beneficiaries, serve constituents, and compete for trust business. A panel of state banking commissioners will discuss what they are watching and what’s next for PTCs.

    Attendees will learn:

    • Factors currently impacting the PTC industry
    • Current focus areas for state legislatures and regulatory agencies
    • Future trends expected for PTCs

    Elise J. McGee, Partner, McDermott Will & Emery
    Greg Gonzales, Commissioner, Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions
    Jeremiah Bishop, Banking Commissioner, Wyoming Division of Banking
    Bret Afdahl, Director, South Dakota Division of Banking

    1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

    11:50 am Lunch Break
    12:50 pm

    Mid-Stream Adjustments and Corrections
    The initial design of a PTC might seem right at first, but as families begin to operate within the framework, they often realize that there are elements that they don’t like.  This session will review how adjustments might be made to the structure, procedures and operations of the PTC and other related parts of the family enterprise to better support family values and goals.

    Attendees will learn:

    • The importance of reviewing performance and realities of the PTC in operation
    • Alternatives to consider in the operation and structure of the PTC
    • Case studies of families who have made adjustments along the way

    Miles Padgett, Partner, Kozusko Harris Vetter Wareh Duncan LLP

    1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

    1:40 pm Break
    1:50 pm

    Lessons and Wisdom from Experience
    The PTC can be an effective and powerful tool in long-term family wealth preservation and governance. The challenge is in operating the PTC to maximize its potential. A panel of experienced PTC directors and executives will discuss their perspectives and lessons learned.

    Attendees will learn:

    • Effective and efficient operational guidelines
    • Leveraging the PTC as part of a long-term strategic plan
    • Integrating the PTC into the family enterprise

    Jennifer Remondino, Partner, Warner, Norcross + Judd
    Bruce J. Betters, CEO and CIO, Marshall Street Capital 
    Diane O. Malarik, President, Moreland Management Co and VP, Laurel Fiduciary Corporation
    Richard A. Naski II, Head of the Family Office, The Duchossois Group, Inc.

    1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

    2:40 pm Breakouts
    Participants will join small breakout groups to discuss what they learned from the day, share their situations, and ask questions.
    3:10 pm Day 3 Adjourns





    Bret Afdahl
    Director, South Dakota Division of Banking

    Bret Afdahl was appointed Director of the South Dakota Division of Banking in May of 2011 after serving as Counsel to the Division since October of 2006. Bret is a Past Chair of the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS), the nation’s leading advocate for the state banking system, and currently serves on the FDIC Advisory Committee of State Regulators as one of its inaugural members. Bret is a graduate of Northern State University with a degree in political science and business and a graduate of the University of South Dakota School of Law.  

    Bruce J. Betters
    CEO and CIO, Marshall Street Capital

    As CEO and Chief Investment Officer of Marshall Street Capital, Bruce is responsible for Marshall Street Capital’s investment strategy – spanning broad, diversified assets – to positon the group for long-term growth and value enhancement. Bruce also oversees the administration of Claridges Trust Company and support services provided by Marshall Street Capital in areas including tax and estate planning, philanthropy, reporting and others.

    Bruce previously served as Chief Financial Officer for Marshall Street Capital from 2015-2016, and for Everett Smith Group from 2012-2015. He has been a leader at ESG and its subsidiaries since 2001, serving in a variety of roles, including vice president of corporate development, head of strategic planning and interim CEO at several of the operating companies in the family portfolio. He was previously the CFO of Trostel Ltd., which was owned by ESG.  Additionally, Bruce served on the Boards of each of the previous ESG platform companies.   

    Prior to joining the Everett Smith Group, Bruce spent 10 years with Price Waterhouse, rising to the position of a senior manager. 

    Bruce has been involved in various community activities. Currently he serves as a member of the Board of the Milwaukee Center for Independence. He graduated with honors from Western Michigan University Haworth School of Business with degrees in accounting and general business. He is also a licensed certified public accountant (CPA).

    Ben Francois
    Partner, BanyanGlobal Family Business Advisors 

    Ben Francois is a Partner at BanyanGlobal where he helps the owners of family businesses and family offices identify options, then make and implement decisions on generational transition, ownership structure, governance, and capital allocation. Ben is a frequent writer and speaker on family business topics for leading publications and organizations including Harvard Business Review, YPO, and Family Office Exchange.

    Immediately prior to Banyan, Ben was a Partner at Carmelina Capital Partners, a private equity firm that provides capital and board-level guidance to family-owned and entrepreneur-led businesses. 

    Previously, he was President of Canterbury Consulting, an $28 billion investment advisory firm where he helped non-profits and family offices design and implement sophisticated financial plans and multi-asset class investment portfolios. 

    Earlier in his career, Ben was an investment professional for a single family office sourcing and executing direct debt and equity investments. Ben received a BA in Biological Sciences from the University of Southern California and an MBA in Finance and Entrepreneurial Management from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. 

    Ben lives in Newport Beach, California, with his wife and their three children. 

    Robert R. Galloway
    Partner, Leader of Private Wealth Team, BakerHostetler

    As leader of the firm's national Private Wealth team, Rob Galloway provides nationwide counsel to the firm's wealthiest and most prominent fiduciary and family clients. He works closely with family offices, private trust companies, bank trustees, individual trustees and privately held companies to bring creative solutions to complicated tax and fiduciary issues. Rob understands that lasting client relationships are built on trust, collaboration and a sensitive approach to family and business issues.

    Rob has assisted many clients in the formation of private trust companies, and he co-authored the Ohio Family Trust Company Act which became effective in September 2016. He has structured the ownership of various family office entities and brings more than 30 years of experience in counseling families on the different approaches to business ownership and succession.

    Greg Gonzales
    Commissioner, Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions

    Greg Gonzales is the 18th commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions, who began serving in this role in 2005, and was reappointed by Governor Bill Lee. He has served in the Department since 1986. In this position, Gonzales serves as Tennessee’s chief regulatory officer of all state-chartered depository and licensed non-depository financial institutions.  Additionally, he has served as assistant commissioner and general counsel for the Department. 

    Commissioner Gonzales served on Governor Lee’s Economic Recovery Group, a public-private partnership that prioritized connection, collaboration, and communication across industries, the medical community and state government to safely reboot Tennessee’s economy. Gonzales is a past Chairman of the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS), which is the professional organization of state banking commissioners in the United States. Commissioner Gonzales, for a number of years, served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Money Transmitter Regulators Association (MTRA), an organization of a majority of the states that regulate funds transfer companies. He served as Chairman of the State Liaison Committee that incorporates the state supervisory perspective into the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC). The FFIEC affects regulatory guidance on all depository financial institutions in the United States. He serves on the U.S. Treasury’s Bank Secrecy Act Advisory Group. Commissioner Gonzales currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Financial Literacy Commission and the Tennessee Collateral Pool Board. 

    Commissioner Gonzales was born in Cookeville, Tennessee and graduated Cum Laude in Cursu Honorum with a bachelor’s degree from Tennessee Technological University in 1980. Gonzales served as a research assistant in 1980 to Sir Patrick Cormack, a Conservative Party member of the British Parliament. He earned a law degree from the University of Tennessee in 1984.

    Aaron Flinn
    Partner, Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis

    Aaron Flinn is a partner in the Nashville office of Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis, LLP where his legal practice focuses on trust and estate matters as well as wealth preservation. He is a trusted advisor to business owners and entrepreneurs, corporate officers and executives, investors and families with inherited assets. Aaron also assists trust officers and other fiduciaries in the administration trusts and decedents' estates, and works with ultra-high net worth families on all facets of private family  trust companies in Tennessee, including the migration of trusts and other administration issues. Tax-exempt and non-profit organizations also rely on Aaron for day-to-day guidance with respect to taxation and governance matters. Aaron earned his J.D., with honors, from the University of Tennessee College of Law in 2005, and he holds an LL.M. in Taxation from the University of Florida. He earned his B.S., magna cum laude, from the University of Tennessee in 2001.

    Diane O. Malarik
    President, Moreland Management Co. and VP, Laurel Fiduciary Corporation 

    Diane Malarik is the President of Moreland Management Co., a single family office serving three generations of the Richard A. Horvitz family in Orange Village, Ohio.  Diane also serves as Vice President of Laurel Fiduciary Corporation, a private trust company in Jackson, Wyoming.  
    Prior to joining Moreland Management Co. in 2007, Diane worked for IMG, the premier sports marketing firm where she held various senior management positions in Corporate Finance during her 13-year tenure.  Before joining IMG, Diane was an audit manager at PriceWaterhouseCoopers in Cleveland, Ohio.
    Diane is a CPA and a member of the AICPA and the Ohio Society of CPAs.  She received a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Accounting from Lake Erie College. 

    Elise J. McGee
    Partner, McDermott Will & Emery

    Elise J. McGee advises high-net-worth individuals and business owners on all aspects of wealth-transfer planning, including estate and trust administration, leveraged wealth-transfer techniques, tax matters, cryptocurrency and QSBS planning, real estate transactions and closely held business matters. Elise has extensive experience working with owners of closely held businesses to develop governance and succession plans, and on corporate, tax and compliance matters relating to those businesses. Elise is an American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC) Fellow, and also has been recognized in Chambers High Net Worth 2022, Illinois: Private Wealth, Up and Coming. She is currently a member of the Executive Committee of the Trust Law Committee of the Chicago Bar Association, where she acts as legislative liaison.  

    Elise specializes in the formation and operation of private trust companies, and has advised clients on these structures in multiple jurisdictions. Elise has worked with state regulators to develop customized private trust company structures for clients, including for international families. Most recently, she co-drafted Wyoming’s 2019 trust company legislation, including 2021 legislative updates. Elise has analyzed SEC and regulatory compliance issues facing private trust companies, and has helped clients develop policies and procedures for their private trust companies. She also advises clients on the litigation and regulatory risks facing private trust companies and their decision-makers.

    Elise works with clients, including registered investment advisers and multi-family offices, to establish and transition trusteeship to retail trust companies. She also advises retail trust companies on cryptocurrency custody matters. She helps clients structure the multi-jurisdictional relationships between trust companies, family offices and closely held businesses.

    Gillian Nagler
    Vice President – Trust Services, Briar Hall LLC

    Gillian Nagler serves as Vice President – Trust Services of Briar Hall LLC, a single-family office, where she oversees the administration of administration of family trusts and the operations of a private trust company.

    Gillian’s background includes 15 years of experience in the trusts and estates field. Prior to joining Briar Hall, she worked as a Trust Officer at JPMorgan, and in private practice as an attorney focusing on estate planning and administration and general business matters. Before attending law school, Gillian began her professional career as a curator of modern and contemporary art at museums in the Boston area.

    Gillian earned a Juris Doctor from Chicago-Kent College of Law, and a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from Emory University.

    Richard A. Naski II
    Head of the Family Office, The Duchossois Group, Inc. 

    Richard A. Naski II is Vice President of Shareholder Relations for The Duchossois Group, Inc. in Chicago, Illinois, and heads the family office for the Duchossois family.  He also serves as CEO of Travers Trust Company LLC, a private trust company chartered in South Dakota. 

    Prior to joining the Duchossois organization, Rich was a Member of Bodman PLC in Detroit, Michigan where he practiced law in the Individual Client Service and Tax practice groups.  He was previously a Partner in the Trusts & Estates department at Winston & Strawn LLP in Chicago, Illinois.  As an attorney, Rich counseled individuals, families, and the businesses that they own and control on a variety of tax planning and transactional matters including tax and estate planning, corporate governance and succession planning, private trust company formation, and the creation and operation of charitable trusts and private foundations. 

    Rich received his B.A. from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and his J.D. cum laude from the University of Michigan Law School in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

    Scott Peppet
    President, Chai Trust Company, LLC

    Scott Peppet serves as President of Chai Trust Company, LLC, the private company that administers trusts established for the benefit of members of Sam Zell’s family and that serves as the Zell family office. Equity Group Investments (EGI), a division of Chai Trust Company, LLC, provides investment management services on behalf of the Chai Trust.

    He was a Professor of Law at the University of Colorado from 2000-2018, where he focused on bargaining and dispute resolution, transactional law, and the complexities of multigenerational family enterprises. Scott is a regular speaker about family offices, private trust companies, and intergenerational leadership. 

    Jennifer Remondino
    Partner, Warner Norcross + Judd LLP

    Jennifer chairs the firm’s Trusts and Estates Practice Group and specializes in counseling multigenerational families regarding sophisticated tax planning, charitable giving and foundations, estate and gift tax audits, trust and estate administration, governance agreements, formation and operation of family offices and business succession planning. She takes a practical yet personal approach to planning, helping families meet their goals with a focus on fostering healthy family relationships and preventing discord. She enjoys working with clients to create holistic wealth and business planning that often includes family education to prepare the next generations to steward the family’s legacy.

    Jennifer is a steering committee member for the firm’s Private Client and Family Office group, the Executive Partner of Warner’s Holland Office and a Fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel. She is a frequent speaker and writer on topics related to complex estate planning issues, foundations, family businesses and family offices. 

    Susie Roh
    President, Wind River Trust Company

    Susie Roh is serving as President of Wind River Trust Company and Drumore LLC Family Office. She is the former Colorado Market Leader for U.S. Bank Private Wealth Management. In that role, Susie was responsible for the delivery of the firm’s wealth management service. Susie and her team worked closely with families on business succession, philanthropy, multi-generational transfers, family governance, financial planning, asset management, trust administration, as well as fiduciary risk management and oversight.

    Susie has over 14 years of experience in the areas of estate planning, wealth management, fiduciary law, trust and estate administration, and banking. She began her career in the private practice of law, focusing on trust and estate planning, tax law and business law. Susie then joined Bank of the West and ultimately served as its East Region Fiduciary Officer. Susie then led Guaranty Bank and Trust Company’s Investment and Trust Business. In these roles, Susie focused on all aspects of wealth management and family advising. Susie received her Bachelor of Science degree in Public Planning and Policy Management from University of Oregon. She was Two-Time Academic All American and Team Captain of the Women’s Golf Team.  

    Susie competed professionally on the Player’s West and Futures Golf Tours before she received her Juris Doctor and LL.M in Taxation from the University of Denver College of Law. She completed Pacific Coast Banking School at the University of Washington focusing on the day-to-day management of financial institutions. Susie is currently a Colorado Civic DNA Fellow working with the Denver Metro Chamber Leadership Foundation to address the distinctive challenges of civic leadership and develop the skills required to address Colorado’s most pressing challenges. She also serves on the Board of Directors for Hunger Free Colorado.

    Domingo P. Such, III
    Partner, Firmwide Chair, Family Office Services Practice, Perkins Coie LLP

    Domingo P. Such, III is a Partner in the law firm of Perkins Coie LLP based in the Chicago office, focusing his practice on excellence in the delivery of legal advice that is results oriented.  He serves as the firmwide chair of Family Office Services, a multi-disciplinary practice representing operating companies, boards of directors, fiduciaries, beneficiaries, and family offices including trust companies and quasi-family office arrangements that has been recognized by Chambers and Partners High Net Worth 2020 guide.  A trusted advisor with significant corporate and trusts & estates tax experience, Domingo has been cited in various publications including Bloomberg, Business Week, Crain’s Business Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, and Worth, and is a frequent author with multiple published law review and magazine articles. 

    He lectures nationally on trust and business planning involving complex estates and trusts which are at times contested in court.  Domingo received his undergraduate and M.B.A. degrees from Washington University in St. Louis, and his law degree from the Loyola University of Chicago School of Law.  He earned his Certificate in Family Business Advising from the Family Firm Institute.  He is listed in Who’s Who in America and Best Lawyers in America, Super Lawyers and is a fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel, and the American Bar Foundation reflecting his experience, integrity and recognized professional excellence.

    Matt Tobin
    COO, Managing Director, Legal Counsel, South Dakota Trust Company LLC

    Matthew Tobin is Chief Operating Officer and General Legal Counsel for South Dakota Trust Company LLC (SDTC) in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. His primary responsibilities include business management, legal, risk management, human resources, and public relations/legislation.

    Mr. Tobin also serves as President of SDTC Services LLC, which is also located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. SDTC Services LLC provides consulting services to the non-depository trust company industry. As President, he is primarily responsible for managing the Company’s Private and Public Trust Company client relationships. Mr. Tobin serves as a board of director and committee member for several private and public trust companies, and has experience and specialized knowledge in the areas of trust company management, organization, compliance, and fiduciary standards. 

    Mr. Tobin serves as a member of Board of Managers for SDTC, Director of the SDTC Foundation, Treasurer of the SDTC Companies PAC, and he is a Board of Director member for the South Dakota Trust Association. 

    Prior to working in the trust industry, Mr. Tobin was in private law practice where he focused on general and business litigation. He also received considerable experience in negotiations, mediation, and alternate dispute resolution. Mr. Tobin also served as a law clerk to The Honorable Roger Wollman, U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit.

    Scott D. Weaver
    General Counsel & Chief Fiduciary Officer, Willow Street

    As Willow Street’s general counsel and chief fiduciary officer, Scott advises the firm on legal matters and works closely with the Client Strategy and Client Integration teams. Scott is a resource for client families and their advisors and serves as a director, officer, and committee member for client private trust companies. Scott also serves as Chair of the Willow Street Trust Company of Wyoming, LLC Trust Committee.

    Prior to joining Willow Street in 2018, Scott was a private client attorney at Geittmann Larson Swift, LLP and its predecessors, where he focused on tax, business, and estate planning. He writes and speaks regularly on wealth transfer planning topics and has collaborated on Wyoming legislative enhancements, including providing testimony to the Wyoming legislature. Scott is a founding Director of the Wyoming Trust Association and continues to serve in that capacity.

    Scott holds a BA in Mathematical Economics from Colorado College and a JD from University of Colorado Law School. Prior to law school, he worked in the Emerging Market Economies section at the Federal Reserve Board as a senior research assistant. Scott also coached collegiate debate, leading the University of Colorado debate team to victory at the 2010 National Parliamentary Tournament of Excellence, the highest award in collegiate parliamentary debate. Scott is an avid outdoorsman and enjoys fly angling, skiing, and cycling throughout the Mountain West. He serves on the board of the Jackson Hole chapter of Trout Unlimited.

    David R. York
    Managing Partner, York Howell

    David R. York is an Attorney, Certified Public Accountant, and Managing Partner with the Salt Lake City law firm of York Howell. David practices law in the areas of estate planning, tax, business planning, and non-profit entities. He is a Fellow with the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC) and is the Dean of Legacy with the Purposeful Planning Institute. David has extensive experience in designing and implementing advanced wealth planning strategies for high net worth clients. David has spoken to hundreds of public groups and professional organizations, including the TedXSaltLakeCity, Q Commons, the Hawaii Tax Institute, the Purposeful Planning Institute, Investments and Wealth Institute, Valmark Member Summit, the Southeastern Family Office Forum, and the Million Dollar Roundtable.

    He is the co-author of three books, Entrusted: Building a Legacy That Lasts and Riveted:  44 Values that Change the World, which after its release was the #1 Business Ethics book on Amazon, and author of The Gift of Lift.  He also created the game Experience RivetsTM, which helps individuals, families, and businesses identify their unique and shared core values to assist them with holistic wealth transfer, effective estate planning, and team building. He has also written for Trusts & Estates Magazine, Estate Planning Magazine, and Investments and Wealth Monitor.  In 2017, YHG was recognized as an Inc. 5000 Company.

    David currently serves on the Board of Directors of Holding Out HELP and Healing Nations. He lives in the Salt Lake City, Utah area with his wife, Mindy, and their five children, Emma, John, Samuel, Hudson, and Avery. He enjoys biking, skiing, softball, writing, and photography.

    FOX Presenters

    Jeff Strese
    Family Learning & Leadership Consultant

    Jeff Strese is the Family Learning & Leadership Consultant at Family Office Exchange (FOX). As a consultant, Jeff has focused on multi-generational family enterprises, corporations, and mission-driven nonprofit organizations. He has more than 25 years of experience working across industries in the areas of leadership development, organizational effectiveness, and family dynamics. He holds certifications in family wealth and family business advising (CFWA, CFBA). 

    Jeff is passionate about helping family businesses and organizations create clarity out of the complex and inspiring leaders from all backgrounds to develop and master critical skills like coaching, communication and emotional intelligence. He has developed innovative programs to guide next-generation leaders to reach their full potential in a fast-paced, global economy. 

    Jeff has served as Chief Talent and Learning Officer (CTLO) at Tolleson Wealth Management, a multi-family office serving client families across the country. Prior to his role at Tolleson, Jeff served as the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) at Southern Methodist University (SMU).

    Scott Winget
    Enterprise Market Leader

    Scott Winget is the Enterprise Market Leader at Family Office Exchange (FOX). In his role, Scott serves as Co-Chair for Enterprise Councils and Executive Councils, where members can share experiences, ideas and best practices with veteran peers in a confidential environment. Scott also serves as relationship manager for Enterprise Family members, in order to understand their unique needs and provide them with access to important research and objective guidance. He is as a member of the FOX leadership team, helping to develop and execute service strategies designed to meet the needs of his market segment, and also participates in new research and thought leadership meaningful to members.

    Serving families for over 25 years in the areas or family office, wealth management and estate and tax planning, Scott brings significant experience to FOX and its members. Prior to joining FOX, Scott created and led multi-disciplinary and award-winning consulting groups that provided comprehensive family office services at both Cresset and Ascent Private Capital Management. Earlier, he was a senior wealth planner at Wells Fargo Family Wealth (later, Abbot Downing) and began his career as an income tax and estate planning specialist with Arthur Andersen and EY. Scott has participated in the FOX community for over 15 years.

    Scott is a CPA and holds a J.D. from The Ohio State University, where he also earned a B.S. in Business Administration with a dual major in Accounting and Finance. He is a member of the Rocky Mountain Estate Planning Council, Colorado Society of CPAs and the Colorado Bar Association. He has also held several securities and insurance licenses and served on the board of the Mountain Area Land Trust as Treasurer and head of the Finance Committee among other roles with non-profits.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Where is the workshop and how do I access it?

    The workshop is taking place virtually and can be accessed via our virtual portal. Information on accessing the portal will be emailed to you directly. For access assistance please email events@familyoffice.com. You must be registered to access the event.

    How do I log in?

    To log in to the workshop, you will need the email address you used to register. Once you enter your first name, last name, and email address on the login screen, you will be sent a verification code to your email address. Once you enter your verification code, you will have access.

    Please note: once you have entered your email address in the virtual portal, it can take up to 10 minutes to receive your verification code.

    If you need assistance, please reach out to us at events@familyoffice.com.

    What do I do now that I’ve logged in?

    We recommend:

    • Completing your profile.
    • Reviewing the “attendee” section.
    • Taking some time to become familiar with the portal, and the “All Sessions” page, where you will access the sessions.

    How do I access the sessions?

    To access event sessions, hover your mouse cursor over Schedule at the top of the page and select All Sessions. Or you may click on View all sessions near the center of the page. Then click on the date and then the session you plan to attend. Next to the session title, or once inside the session, click the Join Session button to enter the Zoom meeting.

    When should I log in to attend the session?

    We recommend you log into the portal at least five minutes prior to the session to ensure you have enough time to receive a verification code (if needed) and navigate to your session.

    Do I have to log in every time I visit the event?

    If you do not close your browser windows or log out of the workshop, you will not need to log in again. Otherwise, you will need to log in again.

    What is the schedule?

    Please visit the All Sessions tab.

    What is the time zone?

    All published times are in U.S. Central Time.

    Which technologies are you using?

    CVENT is our virtual portal.
    Zoom facilitates video streaming.
    Zoom polling will be used for in-session polling.

    What device should I use?

    Some offices prevent access to external conference platforms from corporate VPN accounts. You may find it easiest to use a personal device to access this event.

    Can other people see me, and if so – what is the dress code?

    Please note that participants can see each other on camera, and camera use is encouraged. Business casual attire is recommended.

    How can I change my visibility setting from hidden to visible or vice versa?

    Navigate to “edit your profile,” where you can change your visibility.

    My question isn’t here, how can I get additional help?

    Please email events@familyoffice.com and we’ll be delighted to assist you.

    Session Replay Access

    Workshop session replays will be available to attendees in the FOX event portal and app for 90 days.