November 14-15, 2018 | Chicago, IL
Developing and Improving Your Family Office
Families and executives who are thinking about being more strategic and professionalizing their family office want to do it right. They want to know what steps to take, when to take them, and how to avoid costly mistakes and setbacks. Many can’t see down the road or don't know what component pieces will be needed to devise a family office and family enterprise strategy.
Recommended for: Wealth Owners and family office executives considering developing and improving their family office.
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- About
- Agenda
- Speakers
- Venue & Accommodations
Drawing on almost 30 years of experience and using our proprietary Family Office Blueprint™ process, FOX presents the Family Office Design Workshop designed for families thinking about developing and improving their family office.
This comprehensive, two-day workshop addresses issues – strategic and tactical – that family members and family office executives need to understand:
- Family Office Overview
- Governance Structure and Oversight of the Family Office
- Scope of Services and Delivery
- Talent and Team Structure
- Family Office Technology
- Costs of the Family Office
- Next Steps in the Design Process
- Best Practices and Measures of Success
The workshop includes the sharing of FOX proprietary concepts, practical solutions, and incorporates brand new data from our 2017 family office benchmarking survey. The program will be interactive, including presentations and discussion by senior facilitators and networking with your peers.
Family members and family office executives are encouraged to attend. We look forward to seeing you and your peers on November 14-15 in Chicago for this intimate workshop.
REFUND POLICY: For event registrations, refunds of payments will be offered if the cancellation is made in writing to Family Office Exchange at five (5) or more business days prior to the start of the event. For more information regarding administrative policies please contact FOX office at: 312.327.1200.
Field of Study: Finance - Up to 9 CPE credits can be earned by attending this event. CPE credits are accepted at the option of state certifying boards. Requirements, compliance procedures and acceptance may vary by state.
Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this program, participants will gain an understanding of the steps required, and mistakes to avoid, when developing an effective family office and family enterprise strategy. Additional program objectives include: insights regarding oversight of the family office, family office structures, services scope and delivery, costs of the family office, talent and team structure, technology and data security, performance metrics and best practices, and family office planning steps.
Program Level: Overview | No prerequisites are required for any of the sessions. | Delivery Method: Group Live Program
Family Office Exchange is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
8:00 am | Registration and Breakfast |
9:00 am | Welcome and Introductions |
9:30 am |
Family Office Overview Speaker: Charles B. Grace, III, Managing Director, Family Office Exchange This session introduces the building blocks and sophisticated dimensions of the family office and the family enterprise. Key issues such as reasons to form and maintain an office, establishment of office goals and their alignment with the family’s needs, attributes of multi-generational and holistic wealth management, roles of family members and the office, and evolution of the office will be examined. |
10:15 am | Networking Break |
10:30 am |
Governance and Board Oversight for the Family Office Speaker: Sara Hamilton, Founder and CEO, Family Office Exchange Effective governance structures and decision-making processes help guide the family office. That said, this session offers an understanding of governance in a family office and family enterprise setting, including key elements such as vision, leadership, decision-making, and types of oversight structures. The degree of formality and evolution of that governance over different generations will be explored. |
11:45 am | Strategic Planning Peer Discussion |
12:30 pm | Luncheon |
1:30 pm |
Scope of Services and Delivery Speakers: Jane Flanagan, Managing Director, Family Office Exchange Services provided by family offices are, by definition, customized and integrated to meet the needs of managing a family’s wealth (tax, investment, recordkeeping, etc.). They also help support family engagement and communication by organizing family meetings and educating the next generation. The scope of the “modern” family office’s services and their delivery, including strategies for insourcing vs. outsourcing, are considered. |
2:45 pm | Networking Break |
3:15 pm |
Interactive Discussion: Talent and Team Structure Speakers: Jane Flanagan, Managing Director, Family Office Exchange The skill set and integrity of the family office staff have the greatest impact on the office’s success. In this session, we explore the roles and responsibilities of key staff members, organizational structures, alignment of staff skills with services, coordination and oversight of third party advisors, and compensation and benefits strategies. |
4:45 pm | Adjourn |
5:45 pm | Cocktail Reception & Dinner |
Thursday, November 15, 2018
8:30 am | Breakfast |
9:00 am |
Technology and Data Security Speaker: Jane Flanagan, Managing Director, Family Office Exchange The family office is the primary source of consolidated financial information. This session addresses the integration challenge inherent in consolidating data from multiple sources and identifies appropriate technology architecture and solutions. Better reporting means better decisionmaking. In addition, solutions to enhance |
10:00 am |
Costs of the Family Office Speaker: Charles B. Grace, III, Managing Director, Family Office Exchange Leveraging the insights from the FOX benchmarking survey, Charles B. Grace, III, will present data and concepts about family office (and total wealth management) costs and outline common allocation methods and fee structures. The important relationship between cost and complexity will be explained as well as techniques for weighing cost vs. value. |
11:00 am | Networking Break |
11:15 am | Questions & Answers and Facilitated Participant Peer Discussion |
12:30 pm | Luncheon |
1:30 pm |
Practical Applications – Next Steps in the Design Process Facilitators: Jane Flanagan, Managing Director, Family Office Exchange This interactive session is designed to help you document your family’s needs and plans using a series of exercises to clarify your next steps in the design process. |
2:45 pm | Networking Break |
3:00 pm |
Measures of Success and Best Practices Speakers: Jane Flanagan, Managing Director, Family Office Exchange How will your family measure the success of your family office? This session explores the quantitative and qualitative metrics that families use to evaluate the office’s performance each year and outlines several best practices that have helped FOX families survive and thrive for generations. |
4:00 pm | Adjourn |

Managing Director, Family Office Exchange
Charles B. Grace, III is Managing Director at Family Office Exchange (FOX). He works on projects for families and family offices. Assignments include work on strategic planning, family office and family enterprise design, governance, development of investment programs, and advisor selection, among others. Charlie is also active on the family office and advisor membership and research side at FOX, including investment focused studies and other initiatives.
Charlie has been active for 20 years in the family office community advising high net worth families and serving as a resource to high net worth families and family offices. He advised on investment portfolios and wealth management generally for 10 years working day-to-day at the multi-family office Ashbridge Investment Management LLC and the single family office Ashbridge, LLC. His responsibilities included client relationships, business development, and membership on the firm’s investment committee, as well as business operations and firm strategy as Chairman of the Management Committee of the $1 billion investment advisory firm. He still serves on the Board of the single family office Ashbridge, LLC. Charlie has been quoted in various publications on the subject of private wealth management, including The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and New York Times and presented at many conferences focused on private investors and family offices.
Charlie is on the Executive Committee, as well as Treasurer and Investment Committee member, of the nonprofit Tuttle Fund, Inc. He graduated from the Washington College of Law with a J.D. He received a B.A. and M.A. in history from Bates College and the American University, respectively.

Managing Director, Family Office Exchange
As a Managing Director with Family Office Exchange (FOX), Jane serves as Second Chair for the FOX Owner Operator and FOX Financial Executive Councils and works as a developer, writer and editor of FOX white papers and Guides. Jane has been with the firm since 1993 and has served in a number of roles providing value to FOX members, including Director of Family Office Research, Director of Membership, and as a Senior Consultant to family offices and financial institutions on the wealth management process and family office operations.
Jane managed the firm’s annual FOX Family Office Benchmarking™ research studies for several years and co-authored many FOX publications including: The FOX Guide to the Professional Family Office, 50 Best Practices for an Enduring Family Enterprise, and Financial Reporting in the Family Office. She is a member of the 100-Year Families Research Team led by Dennis Jaffe and contributor to Good Fortune: Building a Hundred Year Family Enterprise. She develops content for FOX learning events, including the FOX Family Office Design Workshop and the FOX Family Enterprise Thinking Workshop and serves as a content resource for the Membership and Consulting Teams at FOX.
Prior to her tenure with FOX, Jane was a Relationship Manager on the global custody Foundation and Endowment Team at The Northern Trust Company. She received a B.A. in Political Science from St. Norbert College.

Founder and CEO, Family Office Exchange
Sara Hamilton is the founder and chief executive officer of Family Office Exchange (FOX). Sara is a recognized visionary and credited with professionalizing the family office industry. Sara founded FOX in 1989 as a peer network for family office executives. Within 10 years, FOX could see that families needed help with their enterprise vision, managing financial transitions, and educating family members on responsible ownership.
Today, Sara provides strategic direction for FOX and leads the development of new programs and services supporting family enterprises, family office executives, and wealth advisory firms in more than 27 countries. FOX has built a unique team of professionals serving multi-generational families, led by 15 technical experts who are supported by a dedicated team of 30 additional employees based in Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Sydney, and Madrid.
Sara is the co-author of Family Legacy and Leadership: Preserving True Family Wealth in Challenging Times. She also serves on the executive education faculty of the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, where she is an adjunct faculty member for their Private Wealth Management course. She is on the founding boards for the International Private Directors Association and the Foundation for Gender Equality.
The workshop will take place at the offices of Schiff Hardin LLP.
Schiff Hardin LLP
233 South Wacker Drive
Suite 7100
Chicago, IL 60606
Please see below for hotel suggestions that are within walking distance of the Schiff Hardin offices located in the Willis Tower. Rates are current as of October 29, 2018.
JW Marriott
151 West Adams
Rates starting at $322/night
W Chicago - City Center
172 West Adams
Rates starting at $323/night
Hyatt Centric The Loop
100 West Monroe
Rates starting at $310/night